
Season 18, Episode 30

It’s never really good when a game fails. Now, there’s good reasons FOR a game failing, but, I mean, that’s people, with lives and families. And when a game fails now, it’s almost one and done for a studio in that regard.

Rocksteady failed with Suicide Squad, but they have 3 pretty big bangers in their history and they can (for the most part) survive to try again. But when a new studio shoots for the moon and misses, they fall hard – near to the point of oblivion. One and done. It’s over.

Concord will probably come back. But it clearly failed and it has a chance, somehow I’m sure, to redeem itself and pull a No Man’s Sky. Well, I should find a better example than the absolute KING of recovery stories. Because I don’t actually think Concord will pull off that kind of recovery. They can salvage this and maybe possibly perhaps live to fight another day. But it’s going to take some deft maneuvers on Sony’s part. I also don’t know if Free-to-Play is the answer, but given what they’ve said and the refunds, that’s probably the starting point.

Then what?

If Ubisoft pulls some executive suit-and-tie BS with the next Splinter Cell, so help me. That is to say I’ll still probably buy it, but it has been 4,019 days since a new Splinter Cell game (non-animated series or guest spot in another game franchise, remake, BBC radio drama, or VR exclusive) was released.

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