
Season 18, Episode 34

We’re still over here on our classic game kick. And let me say how grateful I am for emulators and the communities of people who maintain them and grow them.

It’s the reason that when you see me stream Burnout 3, it looks amazing for a 20 year old game. The community did that. And there’s tons of other games out there just like that. Running great and looking amazing decades later.

Unless it’s a Nintendo property. Then you’re in the crosshairs of copyright. This isn’t a rant against copyright. It exists and it should exist. I won’t argue that. And in most cases where it’s used I won’t argue against it. But for the love of everything – Nintendo, please calm down.

As far as gaming goes, Nintendo is the Sauron of the companies. Just a giant eye watching over the internet making sure no one is breaking their rules. And they are quick to spot them and take them down. Very few survivors of a Nintendo cease and desist. Most fold and pack up or shut down so they can avoid the lawsuits. Hell, some even get hired to work for the company that shut them down. And even sometimes they get shut down and the company steals the idea. And most, like all things on the high seas of the internet, just pop back up somewhere else. You stop one and 3 more sites rise up to take its place. But Nintendo never sleeps. Now they’re going after YouTube channels that show emulation of their products.

I was going to write here that you’ll likely never see me stream a Nintendo game, but given I’ve been having such a blast with Burnout 3 (on emulation), I can’t say for sure I wouldn’t stream an old favorite or even something newer – Nintendo included.

I mean, what are they gonna do, sue me?

Yes. Yes they will.

Speaking of old favorites or something newer, Ubisoft it has been 4,065 days since a new Splinter Cell game (non-animated series or guest spot in another game franchise, remake, BBC radio drama, or VR exclusive) was released.

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