
Season 13, Episode 20

We had a lot to catch up on from the past two weeks and we apparently get to every single thing we wanted to cover in the show. That’s good, because next week is the Pre-just-right-before-the-E3 show. Seriously, we do the show Saturday and press conferences start on Sunday.

Speaking of E3, they’re doing panels this year? I’ve only suddenly come to realize this and I actually love the idea. I don’t know that it’ll do anything to help E3, but it can’t hurt. And live streamed panels are a fantastic way to get word out from smaller developers and publishers, plus I can revisit them if I can’t catch them live – which is almost always since E3 is in the middle of the week. We’ll see how it pans out, but I’m actually kind of looking forward to that aspect.

I also look forward to Ubisoft disappointing me, YET AGAIN, with a Splinter Cell no show.

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