
Season 18, Episode 41

“I’m listening…”

If you’re looking to hear someone over analyze themselves as to how they play or buy video games…well, you’ve come to the right place. After all that back and forth I sometimes boil it down to the great words of a TV show theme song: “It’s just a game, I should really just relax.”

But that’s just part of how I’m wired. To figure out the “why” of things, especially pertaining to myself and my own habits of gaming, shopping, whatever. I include shopping there because, as you’ll hear in the show, I absolutely consume a massive amount of information on products when I’m looking to make either a big purchase or a smaller purchase but for a very important item. For example, the big purchase for this year is looking at computer monitors. A small purchase for this year but a very important item is a gaming mouse. Either way, I’m going to go back and forth over finding something I want and then going between whatever I pick and continue to narrow down the options.

It’s annoying as hell. More than half the time you end up doing one of two things: You either go back and forth so much you eventually talk yourself out of buying it OR you go so far down the rabbit hole you can’t take it anymore and just end up picking something because you’re tired of reading about it.

It has always been this way with me but not so much for games. You can easily see that by simply looking at ANY of my online game libraries on Steam, Epic, or GoG. Sales are what drive me in that direction. The only problem I run into there is if I want the game on PC or on console. And lately, it’s been more and more a PC thing for me. And yet, the other edge of that sword is that PC games don’t see the discounts like console games do.

Hmm, looks like I went and analyzed myself again. Anyway, our time for this session is up. But one more thing:

Is Splinter Cell in the room with us now? It’s not, of course. Ubisoft, it has been 4,128 days since a new Splinter Cell game (non-animated series or guest spot in another game franchise, remake, BBC radio drama, or VR exclusive) was released.

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