Episodes Interviews

EAR Episode 87: “In Case Of Fuck, Break Glass”

The Fruit Fucker strikes again! And does so during one hell of an episode of Evil Avatar Radio. The little bastard struck during our interview with Kristin Lindsay from Penny Arcade while talking to her about Child’s Play. The conversation stops quite abruptly and then a technical glitch happens to our microphones. It’s a little annoying, but it doesn’t last the rest of the show. Sorry about that, folks.

While this isn’t our Christmas show, it might as well have been for everything that took place. Hell, within the first 30 minutes 2 people on the show announce their engagement, and another gets a PS3. Not only that but Kristin tells us about some of the really cool things that were a part of the silent auction at the Child’s Play charity dinner, and then we get Rick Roll’d, live on the air. And no, I’m not linking that.

Once we’re off the air, we Rick Roll ourselves for a bit and then look to you for suggestions of a year end wrap-up. We’re making lists, and we could use your ideas on what kind of categories we should have. Got any? Email us.

One reply on “EAR Episode 87: “In Case Of Fuck, Break Glass””

not really a top 3 game of the year, but maybe your top 3-5 games that you didnt expect to do good, or that you expected to do good and sucked horribly!!!!

better said, a most suprizing, and most disapointing.


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