Episodes Interviews

EAR Episode 110: “It’ll Be A Hootenanny”

And a “hootenanny” it was. This episode of Evil Avatar Radio was pretty special. Ever since the current crew began as “In-Game Chat”, we’ve been trying to have Tycho & Gabe on the show. When we became “Evil Avatar Radio” we thought it might be easier, but it wasn’t. And then, finally, after more than 50 episodes and a year of attempts, we welcome Tycho to the show!

It’s a different sort of interview as we basically just talk news with him including the iPhone (No. I didn’t hang up on him.), RooGoo, demos, & Pokemon. We were glad to have him on and now we focus our efforts towards Gabe.

Also in this episode we talk of the Battlefield: Bad Company demo and have a belated look at the hidden gem of Lost Odyssey. Plus, Paul O’Connor from High Moon Studios talks to us later in the episode about “The Bourne Conspiracy”.

The show that takes place after the show was seemingly reserved for PC talk as we discuss box building, PC Gaming, modding, game content…well, it’s PC focused, trust us.

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