E3 Episodes

EAR Episode 115: The E3 Show

This episode is full. We simply can’t fit anymore into it. And yet we still didn’t get out everything we wanted to talk about. E3 may be small, but the information we get out of it is enough to fill nearly three hours. It’s a full plate and we go over all the big news from the week that was. Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo, and the games as well including Borderlands, Sonic, Op. Flashpoint 2, Empire Total War, Killzone 2, Halo Wars, MK Vs. DC, H.A.W.X., Far Cry 2, MAG, and so very much more. Bapenguin even calls in and gives us the info of games he got to play on the last day of E3, plus he and I personally (and by name) thank everyone who donated to get us out there.

The episode is stacked and the episode after the episode is running over with info as well. James goes over his new PC build and all the MMO’s he’s loaded into the thing and WWII Online is discussed  leading us into our discussion of the Too Human demo. Plus, we can’t go without talking of The Dark Knight – spoiler-free, of course.

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