
The Fool Pitying Episode

In 1972 a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn’t commit.  These men promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade and clicked on this week’s new episode link.

At some time in the past, likely years ago at this point, the quality of the Lego Star Wars games led the hosts to suggest that the combination of Lego and any beloved series was a natural path to joy and success.  Putting aside the fact that we were completely wrong, we’re tempted to repeat that claim where Mr T is concerned, and we’d do it based solely on the strength of a single, meme-tastic game announcement.

Once again we have to point out the sad lack of our Jeremy for this episode.  He has a bountiful family, and those things come with birthdays and other wondrous obligations of kinship.  What we have left here are the misers and hermits with no obligations and no ties that bind.  We’re sure someone out there understands.

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