
Season 9, Episode 06

We’re giving you what you pay for at the following link.

The discussion comes up every now and again and it seems we always come to the same conclusion – the length of a game and the price of a game don’t really matter. Or well, it’s all from the perspective of the person spending the money, really. What you get out of the game determines to you if it was worth paying full price. Skyrim offers a ton of game for your $60 at the time it released, but it would have offered nothing to someone like me because that’s just not my type of game. On the other side of that, I could pay $60 for a single track and car in a Burnout series and I’ll pay TWICE that for a collectors edition that comes with an extra track and extra car. The value sits with the consumer, for the most part.

Outside of that discussion, Nate gives us his final thoughts after wrapping up Dying Light. And we talk a bit about picking up Evolve – mainly if we would be doing so at launch or waiting for the price to drop. Here’s a spoiler, neither Nate nor myself waited and that’s some of what we’ll be talking about on the next episode.

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