Episodes Interviews

Season 9, Episode 19

We’re taking turns being stealthy at the following link.

Stealth games. Some games get it right and some get it wrong. I think one that we universally agree gets it right (almost to perfection) is Mark Of The Ninja. So when Klei, the company who made Mark Of The Ninja, tell us they have another stealth game on the way, our ears, eyes, and whatever else perk up with interest. Invisible Inc. doesn’t scratch the itch left by Mark Of The Ninja, but it fills the hole plenty of other stealth titles just couldn’t do. Honestly, I don’t think I’ve played a stealth game where I had to think as much as I did playing Invisible Inc.

In this episode we talk with James Lantz from Klei Entertainment about Invisible Inc. and a short bit about Mark Of The Ninja 2. Plus, R.J. gives us a rundown on Jason from Mortal Kombat X and Matt tells us of his time with the new expansion for Wolfenstein: The New Order.

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