
Season 9, Episode 30

We’re collecting and displaying at the following link.

What makes a system seller? When that question came up in discussion during the show this week, we were trying to figure out the reasoning for having a full year exclusivity for Rise Of The Tomb Raider. And when we began to talk about it, we realized from the chat room that a system seller turns out to be a very subjective question. Turns out, a system seller seems to be whatever game compels you to buy a system to play it. But I’m sure numbers exist somewhere that show a release of a game and a rise in system purchases, we just didn’t have that kind of data at our fingertips during the show. A fun discussion nonetheless.

Also, we asked for in the episode and I’m asking here as well, please…send us your game collections! Memorabilia, displays…whatever you’ve got in your home on display that’s related to gaming, we’d like to see it!

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