
Season 10, Episode 37

We’re surprising each other with gifts at the following link.

I don’t know of many people looking to get a PS4 Pro. Of the people I know who got an Xbox One S it was usually due to being their first Xbox One or just getting it for the size or color. All of that is to say that most people don’t have a 4K display yet to enjoy what these new consoles are providing. But I’m not saying it’s a bad thing. I wasn’t someone back in the SDTV days who said it’ll never go all digital or complained about the push for HD stuff. I was all for it. And I’m all for 4K as well. It just hasn’t made the crossover yet, but it will and probably very soon. That “crossover” being when you can walk into a store and 4K sets will be the only choice you have on the resolution side.

By the way, if you ever wondered just how much of a DuckTales fan I was or how excited Sara gets over The Banner Saga – this is your episode!

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