
Season 10, Episode 49

We’re keeping things still in the box at the following link.

I’m a sucker for a lot of things. Gaming trinkets are one of those things. Well, some people consider them trinkets, they’re collectibles to me. You give me a nice statue or some physical object of the like and I’m in. Steel books will also work in that regard as well. Then there’s the autographed stuff and while eBay may give me an idea of a price, these are things I have no intention of selling. A few of them I brought in with me on this episode. RJ also brought in a few of his collectibles and we’re joined in the second hour with listener Chris who brought by a small sample of his EXTENSIVE collection of consoles and games. As much as I love the trinkets, Chris’ collection actually contains games. Just…the games themselves were a sight to see and collectibles in and of themselves.

There’s a line in Fight Club about the things you own ending up owning you. And I only really think that’s true if you allow those things to own you. Talking with Chris and RJ this weekend only showed me that these things we own are the things we love and represent what we love doing. It isn’t ownership so much as it’s pride for what we have and the love of what we do that those things represent.

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