
Season 11, Episode 45

We’re back with our Black Friday hauls at the following link.

I think, in my heart, I feel like companies are pretty honest. The customer is always right and everything that goes with that. All of that stuff. Then there is what I think or, basically know, that is in my head. Companies are out to make money and they will do that in whatever way works to make them the most. First, it was EA. And now, sadly, it’s Bungie.

It’s a bit different than the EA situation, and I explain how in this episode as well as why I’m not really upset over this but that I am uneasy over it. They were actively lying to their players. Like…not even in words, but in the actual gameplay. They were being misleading and deceitful. And money is the reason. Their online store never bothered me when it was implemented. They were very clear how it was all cosmetics and nothing in there would give you an advantage and that still holds true. I’ve never spent money on Destiny beyond paying to play the game. Never bought in-game currency, never wanted an emote, a dance, a piece of armor, or anything of that matter. It never held any significance for me and it still doesn’t. But then, then the actual game itself was misleading the player. It’s a trust issue. And while I’ve never been a diehard loyal true believing follower of anything Bungie ever told me (“see those mountains in the back? You can go to them!” – D1 reveal way back when), that was all game PR crap that we pretty much get from EVERY game company for the most part. But this…this was in the game, and that’s pretty bad.

None of this, however, has stopped me from playing. Hell, I just bought the game AGAIN as a gift during a one-day sale. So yeah, it isn’t like we haven’t been here before in some way or another with Bungie. It’s just a bit more of a sting when they actually coded the deceit into the actual game.

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