
Season 12, Episode 01

We’re knocking on 500’s door at the following link.

There is no show next week. I’ll be in San Antonio for PAX South. Normally, when we get back from such a trip I go over all the things I saw and played, but the return episode will be just a bit different given the timing.

Anyway, for this episode there is some talk on Burnout Paradise and my thoughts of how I felt playing it originally. This is going back a ways so my memory is clouded a bit by just my sheer love of the franchise but I can look back on it and see where things maybe should have been different. The game wasn’t a failure by any means but it did sort of split the fan base, it felt like. Those who liked the predetermined paths during events from the previous games and those who enjoyed the openness of the events in Paradise. I didn’t really meet a lot of people who liked what Paradise was doing with the events. I can see where they were coming from but I just made do with what I had and played the game how they wanted me to play it. I eventually came around and was fine with it, but looking back I can see what side of the fence I ultimately fell on for that debate. Regardless, it is what it is and whatever this remake ends up being, you know I’ll be there – on probably every platform they release it on.

My fandom knows no bounds.

See you again for the 500th episode in two weeks.

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