
Season 12, Episode 08

We’re rolling for initiative at the following link.

Doing something you’ve never done before can be scary and fun and so many other things at the same time. However, this isn’t one of those times. It’s all fun and exciting. There’s nothing scary about it. You’ll hear this in the first segment of the show how an idea usually comes together for us – instantaneous, it would seem.

So, here’s the thing, we stumbled upon the idea of doing a live D&D session on the air. Two of us on the show know what this involved and two of us on the show have no idea what will happen. So that (we hope) will be actually entertaining to listen to over the radio and watch on Twitch/YouTube.

Experimentation is a lot of fun when doing things like this. We’ve done music only episodes before and those work cause, well…radio, right? But this is totally going outside of the norm I think for something on FM broadcast radio and it might work, and it might not, but we’ve gotta try and see what happens. If it doesn’t work, then whatever, we tried and there – it exists at out attempt to do something different. If we actually pull it off well enough, we could make it a regular and ongoing thing and it totally opens the door for new experiments to try. Playing a boardgame on the radio might not sound like it’ll work, but radio is nothing but theater of the mind anyway so if we can be descriptive and imaginative enough with it – I think we can pull it off.

You’ll find out when we do.

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