
Season 12, Episode 25

We’re not horsing around at the following link.

Begun, the cross play war has.

Not so much a war, really. But there’s a whole lot of people who wish Sony would give in and just make it happen. Five years ago and I’d have told you to keep dreaming on cross play of ANY kind, but a lot can happen in five years, I guess. Especially since we’re at the point that Sony is the ONLY one who is holding out. Originally, with Destiny, I was advocating for cross play, but it was something I had never expected – that’s about 5 years ago, actually. And that eventually turned into just wanting them to let me cross save my characters. Now, something I never thought was possible seems like it might actually happen at some point. Maybe.

Sony isn’t letting go of this. They won’t budge, not until they have to, and even then I’m not so sure. Last fall we were all talking about the evil of loot boxes and now, we’re at the cross play talk. I’m almost sure that if this holds out through the year, Microsoft will hit the cross play tick points with every single game they can – at least with the multiplats.

Again, assuming Sony doesn’t bend on the issue.

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