
Season 12, Episode 30

We want you off our lawn at the following link.

I feel like I may have approached this subject before and at the risk of sounding old-manny and out of touch, I can’t understand the appeal of YouTube gaming people. Well, I guess I can when I see it in a broad spectrum – the entertainment aspect, but I can’t go much further from there. And I suppose I don’t have to, actually.

And I’m not talking about walkthroughs or the kind that show you a different strategy to a game or help you find a path when you’re stuck. I understand why that’s there and why people watch it. I’m talking about the big YouTube gaming people who just play random nonsense and provide absolutely no educational value to whatever they are playing. Entertainment value, sure, but nothing there beyond that. And I guess there doesn’t need to be. To each their own, right?

And I say this in the show and I’ll say it here…I’m not saying someone is wrong for what they like in this regard. It’s more a sense of me trying to understand it. And yeah, I know about the South Park episode. When I walk by the massive line at conventions to meet one of these people, I realize what they do isn’t for me – it’s for them. The ones in line.

And I just keep walking.

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