
Season 12, Episode 33

We’re catching up for lost time at the following link.

We’re two weeks behind where we should be in this episode so while it should be a lot about what we’ve played and all those things announced for Switch and everything else from this past week, we’re jumping back as though I just got back from PAX West.

And there’s a whole lot to say about what I saw at PAX West. Plenty of games to cover like GRIS, My Friend Pedro, Bloodroots, Soundfall, Shift Quantum, Bee Simulator, Hong Kong Massacre, The Gardens Between, Streets Of Rage 4, Windjammers 2, We The Revolution, and so much more that I’m leaving out at the moment.

It’s a whole PAX-Filled episode crammed into 2 hours and hopefully next week, after some more catching up, we’ll be back on track.

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