
Season 12, Episode 42

We’re taking a week off after the following link.

Your move, E3.

When Nintendo dropped out of E3, they really didn’t. They dropped out of doing the press conference stuff we all love to watch PRIOR to the actual E3. It was a big deal, but no skin off E3’s back since Nintendo would still be on the show floor. And still paying a premium for that floor space (it’s a big space). However, it was still a move that made people wonder and think just how important is the whole E3 thing.

A few years after and the dominoes started falling. Activision, Disney, and a number of other companies were skipping the yearly event. This meant less money was coming into the ESA who put on E3 each year. Then EA backed out. They’d still do a press conference but they’d be absent on the show floor. Again, conferences are NOT a part of E3. So this was more money not coming into the ESA.

And now we have Sony. All of the other companies were big deals when they backed out, but not in comparison to the big 3 of Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony. The ESA will be fine and E3 will be fine…for now. How this will actually affect anything at all is hard to tell. We’ll have a better idea when Sony decides to tell us just what they plan on doing – not for E3, but how they plan to communicate with the public about new hardware and software.

We’ll also have a better idea of what to expect from E3’s to come if other companies decide to follow Sony’s lead, again, whatever that may be if anything.

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