
Season 12, Episode 45

We feel like something is missing at the following link.

We always like to wrap up the year here with what we call our Christmas episode but it’s really just an episode that contains video game Christmas themed music. That’s pretty much the extent of it. So that’s what we’re doing here. Along with trying to find out if you can copyright a dance move.

We’d like to take this time to remind you that there is no show next weekend due to the holidays and we’d also like to thank you as well for your continued support of our little show. It means more than the world to all of us that you take the time to listen and keep listening week after week.

There is no show without you. It would not exist to begin with were it not for you and it will continue on for as long as we can, so long as we have you there with us.

As always, thank you so much for listening and have a very Merry Christmas.

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