
Season 13, Episode 08

Have I talked about Spider-Man? Let’s talk a little about Spider-Man. I say this in the show and I’ll say it here as well: the game deserves every bit of praise it’s gotten over the 7 or so months it’s been out. Yes, it’s taken me that long to get around to not only playing it but finishing the main story. However, I have a few nitpicks but they really get on my nerves when developers do this.

There’s a lot of “padding the story” in this game. There’s honestly a lot of that in almost every game, but one of the ways done in Spider-Man really got on my nerves. The secondary stuff is…whatever. It’s an open world game, you’re going to have side tasks and challenges. They annoy me (especially Taskmaster and, now, Screwball), but whatever. No, my biggest gripe for the game is the times when you AREN’T playing as Spider-Man. And, to be clear, the Peter Parker aspects of the game are fine, but any time you aren’t playing as Parker/Spider-Man are just plain annoying. I’ll give a bit of a break for the Miles segments, at least one in particular, because it feels like a bit of character development and you’ve got to go through this event with him and put yourself in his shoes. But the rest of it is just fluff.

Again, I know WHY they do this in games, but man I can’t stand it in some cases. Even now, while working on the DLC stuff, they keep throwing in fluff and it gets to the point I stop playing and come back later. It’s the kind of annoying that actually makes me turn off the game.

Stop doing that. Please.

P.S. Everyone else, please stop timed missions, escort missions, and everything else I personally don’t like.

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