
Season 13, Episode 10

We’ve discussed pricing of video games before. And I’m not talking about the current pricing of newly released titles where you expect the usual sixty bucks. We’re talking about older games and what you feel something is worth. And really, that’s the end of the argument, right there.

What do you feel a game is worth to you?

There’s no rules in that question or that answer. Well, aside from the fact that you have to pay something for it – you can’t say free. Given that, every single answer anyone gives is pretty much the right one…for them. It doesn’t matter the length of the game or the age or how it looks or anything like that at all, unless those factor into your answer and that’s perfectly fine if they do.

This whole point comes up again as we see the Halo series getting a PC release. It doesn’t seem like it’ll come in the form of a collection – pay one price and get it all. No, they look to be serving it piecemeal. But they’ve given no word on what it’ll cost us. Will they all be the same price or go up and down depending on the age of the title? Will they offer it in some bundle where you pay a price now and get all of them as they release? We don’t know. At least not yet.

It feels a bit like an infomercial cliche, but looking back over the Halo series and now getting them on PC…what would you pay for this lovely collection of games?

But wait, there’s more…

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