
Season 13, Episode 11

As I sit here writing this, I’m using something Google based to post the video of the show and Google based to actually write this. At one point I used to use something Google based to compile video game news, but Google got rid of it. We also used to have a space on something Google based, but Google got rid of it. There’s been a few things we’ve had a presence on that was Google based.

Until Google got rid of it.

Google does this. A lot. And they easily have data to show that people use the thing so I’m not sure why they suddenly shut it down and for what reason, but it happens. And it is still happening (goodbye g-chat). Now Google has a new thing, or at least probably will be the end of the year.

Game streaming isn’t a particularly new thing, but it’s never been implemented very well. Google’s trying to change that and from my time with Project Stream, I’d say they succeeded. But only that they can pull it off and if your connection is good enough, it works beyond what you might think. But not everyone’s connection it good enough and not everyone has an unlimited cap on bandwidth. Google’s venture into gaming doesn’t feel revolutionary or awe-inspiring or whatever. There’s no sense of “breakthrough” here, but there’s also a slew of questions left to be answered and even then, how will the public embrace it?

And for those that do, how long will you be able to embrace it before Google decides to get rid of it.

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