
Season 13, Episode 15

What’s old is new again. Actually what was dead is now alive. Fitting for Easter, I suppose. Even when talking about a video game. In case you weren’t aware, City Of Heroes was a BIG, and I cannot stress this enough, BIG impact on every one of us on IGC. Not just the current cast but from the past as well. We all played it. And we all played it together. For me, it was my first MMO. And it fit right into my wheelhouse of comic books and superheroes.

Earlier this week the world found out the game was still running for a small number of people. Then, the unthinkable happened, the people playing that game opened it up to anyone and everyone. And for the first time since 2012, I was playing City Of Heroes again. Only for maybe 5 minutes before the server shut down for a reboot, but I was there. And I can go back.

And I will go back. Not trying to capture the lightning once more, but just to visit an old friend and place we once called home.

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