
Season 13, Episode 45

Welcome to our final show of the year, and, as it turns out, our final show of the decade, I suppose. It’s our annual Christmas episode but all that means is we play holiday themed music from video games that have winter/holiday type levels or special DLC or whatever. Otherwise, we’re still just talking about the news of the week and the games we played.

As we come to the end of the year our thanks once again goes out to everyone who listens and supports us. We know there’s probably plenty of you who don’t listen regularly or even at all but you’re liking our videos or social media posts just in support of what we do and we thank you for that. And for those of you who do listen, on your own time, or make it a point to show up every week for the live show and chat with us in Twitch Chat, we cannot fully express our gratitude for you being there. However much you enjoy the show, we enjoy seeing you there for us that much more.

We thank you for this past decade of your support. So long as you’re there we will be too. We hope you all have a fantastic Christmas and a wonderful new year.

Thanks for listening.

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