
Season 18, Episode 17

Three blind mice…

It’s mostly just two though. Let’s get Nintendo out of the way first since it seems in this episode we covered all three consoles. Nintendo basically just told us the next Switch is coming and we’re gonna talk about it soon. That was it.

Sony reversed their stance on requiring a PSN account to play Helldivers 2 on PC. That’s good, this time. But what about next? And I don’t mean Ghost Of Tsushima or God Of War Ragnarok. I’m talking about the next multiplayer PC/PS game. Because this whole PSN requirement was already baked into Helldivers 2. They just turned it off when they launched because of all the login problems they were having. What happens on the next title? Still required? My guess is yes.

Then there’s Microsoft. If you missed the EA of the 2010s and around that time frame, don’t worry. Microsoft has your back. Soak in the nostalgia of a company buying up studios, making a big deal about what they’re going to bring to the table, releasing whatever they were currently working on and then completely shutting them down. Except, unlike back then, Microsoft is speedrunning this thing with the closure of FOUR studios in one single day.

I don’t think we’ll look back on this year and be talking about all the cool games that came out – we’ll be talking about all the jobs lost and studios that closed. Because this is adding on to what already happened earlier in the year and a whole bunch of people who know more than me about this are saying there’s more closures on the way.
And that makes it hard to segue into my whole Splinter Cell weekly running gag. Ubisoft, it’s been 3,900 days since a new Splinter Cell game (non-animated series or guest spot in another game franchise, remake, BBC radio drama, or VR exclusive) was released.


Season 18, Episode 16

I’ve got a bad feeling about this…

Well, I had to tie it into Star Wars Day somehow. Still, that bad feeling is sitting around the people who are about to be unable to enjoy a game they bought.

I’m speaking of Sony and the Helldivers 2 situation. We discussed it in this episode but just after we finished recording Sony made their move. We had speculated on what they might do and I think we settled on exactly what they actually did.

At launch Helldivers 2 had issues with logins and the like so Sony disabled the requirement to have a PSN account in order to play the game (even on PC). However, this was back in February and only now is Sony coming around to reinstating that requirement. Normally, it’s not a big deal. Plenty of games have requirements just like this in order to play, but the problem here is that in some countries there is no PlayStation Network. They didn’t enforce it as the game launched so a number of people in a number of different countries (177 countries, to be exact) can’t play their game. The Playstation Network doesn’t exist in their country. They can’t make an account.

Steam has now started issuing refunds because of this problem – regardless of time played or how long you’ve owned the game.

I’m sure more will come out about this be it a statement from Sony or the developers, Arrowhead Studios – who’ve actually been on twitter responding to people. The obvious answer for this problem was to just disable the requirement to have a PSN account in order to play the game. It was working fine and had a massive positive review rating on Steam. Within the span of a weekend all of that has been lost.

Speaking of lost, where the hell is Splinter Cell? Ubisoft, it’s been 3,893 days since a new Splinter Cell game (non-animated series or guest spot in another game franchise, remake, BBC radio drama, or VR exclusive) was released.


Season 18, Episode 15

I feel like there was a time when I was younger that I could play all manner of games and pretty much at any time I wanted.

Well, let me explain a bit. Currently, and in this case that means for like the last 5 years or more, I really can only stick to one or two games at a time – depending on what they are and what they require of me. Balatro is a nice quick play kind of thing. Talos II is not as quick, but can be if you take it puzzle by puzzle. I recently thought about starting up Spider-Man 2, but backed off because I thought it might get in the way of my time with Talos. Games have done that before. I took nearly a 6-month break halfway into Last Of Us 2 and I think it ruined my experience of that game. Wasn’t a complete loss or anything but my feelings towards it at the end, I feel, would have been different had I not waited so long to finish it.

Yet, I feel like there was, at some point in my youth, a time when I could have taken on any game I wanted, multiples of them, all at the same time, just playing them like I could remember all the controls and the story for what I was playing as well.

Just doesn’t feel that way anymore. Now, that could be something to do with me.Maybe it’s age, or brain function or…something. I don’t know. It could also be the games, as well. Games are longer, more involved, more complex in their storytelling. More mechanics in gameplay. I guess maybe there’s more you need to give into a game than maybe what was required in whatever time period my mind is thinking of where I could just hop from game to game. Maybe it’s my own free time where I get to play these games. Something I can easily say has shrunk significantly since I’ve gotten older.

Speaking of getting older, the last time a Splinter Cell game was released was ten years ago. And we’re still waiting for something new from it. Ubisoft, it’s been 3,886 days since a new Splinter Cell game (non-animated series or guest spot in another game franchise, remake, BBC radio drama, or VR exclusive) was released.


Season 18, Episode 14

Nothing lasts forever.

I probably don’t talk about peripherals enough. Or maybe there isn’t a need to? Either way, I’m very picky with my gaming headsets. So much so I kept a stock of a specific model of them from Turtle Beach. I can’t remember the name of it now but I still have them laying around the room here. I was worried about what might happen when I ran out. They aren’t making any more of that specific model and of the others I’ve tried they just didn’t give me what I wanted from the Turtle Beach set.

Then I found the Roccat headset. Still in production, on sale, and they did exactly what the old Turtle Beach did for me. Sounded great and gave me everything I wanted from the old set. Turns out, Roccat was owned by Turtle Beach so that made a bit of sense. Finally, I wouldn’t have to rely on eBay and second hand sellers to get a replacement headset.
Well, now Turtle Beach is killing off the Roccat brand. I don’t feel too bad about it given the set I have works wonderfully and, well, ever since the BANNENING from Destiny 2, I haven’t used them too much. Still, before they completely remove them from stores, I’ll probably stock up again for the time being. Until I find another one that does what I like in a headset. As goes the cycle, I suppose.

Still, it’d be nice to find a product that sticks around.

Speaking of something sticking around, the Splinter Cell franchise did that a good ten or so years ago. We weren’t short of Tom Clancy titles, much less the Splinter Cell titles within that. Then…nothing. Ubisoft, it’s been 3,879 days since a new Splinter Cell game (non-animated series or guest spot in another game franchise, remake, BBC radio drama, or VR exclusive) was released.


Season 18, Episode 13

It’s good to see more and more video game stories making the jump into television series stories.

Obviously I’m talking about both Fallout and The Last Of Us. I haven’t finished Fallout yet, but it really is quite enjoyable and I’m only 4 episodes in so far. It’ll be interesting to see what the success of these shows does for future shows based on video games.

Then there’s the whole film side of things which…hasn’t been great in the past. We’ve gotten plenty of adaptations but a lot of them don’t really hold up – it’s only been recently with the Sonic franchise and now the animated Super Mario film. You go back beyond that and, yeah, there’s content, but it isn’t the best.

I guess as with comic books moving to other media, video games kinda had to crawl before they could walk – or something like that. And we’re still not sure they can cause that Borderlands film is right around the corner.

I have hope for it. I have hope for anything that comes from my comic books or video games and moves into a medium a LOT of other people can enjoy. It’s almost like showing people a video game but without the standard generalization that comes from people who don’t play or like video games. It’s another way to connect, I suppose.

And that’s the whole point really, isn’t it? To make that connection with the audience and, by extension, you making a connection with someone else over this…shared thing. So yeah, I always hope for the best in these situations. So far so good.

And then there’s that Borderlands film right around the corner.

There was talk of a Splinter Cell series. But good luck with that if it takes them as long in between seasons as it does the games. Ubisoft, it’s been 3,872 days since a new Splinter Cell game (non-animated series or guest spot in another game franchise, remake, BBC radio drama, or VR exclusive) was released.


Season 18, Episode 12

Every once in a while you come across a game or maybe even a TV show or a book, but you enjoy everything about it. So much so you don’t really want it to end. Come to think of it, I think I’ve even done this with food.

But my point is, there are games I can sometimes play where I wish they could go on longer. The entire MYST series is this for me. I’m currently playing The Talos Principle 2 and enjoying every single second of it. I’m early into the game but it already gives me this wonderful feeling of exploration and puzzle solving and secrets and I’m just soaking it all in. But I also know it’s going to eventually end and so I do plan to drag this game out for however long I can. And I don’t mean take it slow, I just mean milking it on my first run for everything it has to offer. Side missions, side puzzles, every nook and cranny to be explored and poured over. No stone unturned and no door left closed.

It’s also interesting that, while I enjoyed the first game very much, I remember that I didn’t sort of feel this way about it as I do its sequel. Maybe it was the setting or something, I’m not sure. And, also, I’m as early as ever in this game. Not even half of halfway through it – there’s still time for me to hit a mechanic in the game that turns all of this gushing on its head.

But for now, I am in love with this game and I cherish every single moment while I am in it. I hope you find games like this from time to time as well. That whole feeling of “This is it! This is my jam…or whatever!”. I’m even rushing through this post so I can get back to playing the game, actually.

Another game and game series I so dearly love is Splinter Cell. Ubisoft, it’s been 3,857 days since a new Splinter Cell game (non-animated series or guest spot in another game franchise, remake, BBC radio drama, or VR exclusive) was released.


Season 18, Episode 11

The amount of other games I have played since getting banned from Destiny 2 has easily eclipsed all the other games I played while I was NOT banned from Destiny 2.

I’d say that I’m better off for it, but it’s something I wouldn’t have noticed or cared about had I not lost access to play that game. D2 was a routine and while my routine was thrown off because of losing access to the game, I’ve been able to really enjoy so many more titles now and look at upcoming releases with an interest that I’ll actually play them.

Thinking about it, the loss is really only with finishing something that started over a decade ago – something I would have liked to have seen to the end, story wise. And the other is the loss of just playing with my group of friends. I miss my clanmates.

And I think that’s the focus of games like this. We had it a long time ago with City Of Heroes. And then again with Call Of Duty on the 360. I don’t want to call it a sense of community. That sounds too political or something. And, more so, it wasn’t a sense of anything. It was actually real friends enjoying playing a game together on a pretty regular basis. And it’s something I never would have had without my time in those games.

I guess if anything writing all of this has shown me, it’s that you’ve done it at least three times before…take comfort in the fact that you’ll probably do it again. And again. And again.

Something else we’ll do again and again is calling out the days since we’ve gotten a new Splinter Cell. Ubisoft, it’s been 3,850 days since a new Splinter Cell game (non-animated series or guest spot in another game franchise, remake, BBC radio drama, or VR exclusive) was released.


Season 18, Episode 10

I really do miss arcades. I know they still exist in some form or another but, even now, they just can’t hold a candle to the arcade you can have at home. And I’m not even talking about building cabinets and such.

We talk about this on the show but I’ll say it again here – arcades, as a kid, were like walking into the future. You had your games at home, sure, but they were nothing like what was in that arcade. That’s where the most advanced tech was. The best graphics and games you’ll NEVER get to play at home. Only at the arcade.

That’s how it was for me, anyway. Then it all changed and morphed and sort of went backwards. I’ll give credit to the arcade/bar synergy thing that happened, but I don’t run around those places wide-eyed at all the cool games like I did way back when. Now I look for whatever will give me the most redeemable tickets…or pinball. And that’s only if I make it out to an arcade to begin with. Not everyone has those places within reach and mostly, if you do, it’s full of just redemption games. Actually, it’s been forever since I’ve been into any local arcades here so I don’t know what they stock them with now.

Given the way technology is going and how great we have it at home, we’ll likely never see arcades be, to me, what they once were. And I’m okay with that. I absolutely love what we have at home on our consoles and PCs and handhelds. I also love that we can bring over most of everything we had at arcades into our home with custom built cabinets housing hundreds of games and even pinball tables too.

Which reminds me, I need to really work on building those two things, actually.

You can probably easily spot the transition here. You know what else used to be great but is not a ghost town of nothing – the Splinter Cell franchise. Ubisoft, it’s been 3,843 days since a new Splinter Cell game (non-animated series or guest spot in another game franchise, remake, BBC radio drama, or VR exclusive) was released.


Season 18, Episode 09

The amount of people losing their jobs in this industry is staggering. I don’t have an exact number but it’s likely pushing into the five figure range. If you combine it with last year’s loss you’re easily over ten thousand jobs.

And I wasn’t sure if I would use this as a topic to talk about it, but just as much as I did on the show, I don’t have any kind of an answer for it. Smarter business decisions, sure, but I don’t know that it would have helped much. With each new game (mostly the upper triple A type games) that pulls in tons of awards and accolades, I wonder how much was spent to develop and then market that game. This hobby for us is expensive for them. Making a new console is the expectancy of a loss of revenue out of the gate. Making a new game for that console is also a MASSIVE money sink. And the marketing for both is just a deeper hole.

The cycle was that after a game would release you would then lose a good chunk of the dev staff as they were brought on almost like contractors to help with development. Once the game was released, so were they. But that’s not what has been happening lately. Game sales haven’t really slowed down but the cost to make them has completely gone up. And one solution to bridging that gap is an increase in the cost of the game to the consumer. But there’s likely a limit to that. I’d say the current $70 is probably close to that limit. But I will not be surprised when this massively developed game of some sort releases at a base price of $99.

Like I said earlier, I don’t have a solution for this. And there are probably darker days ahead for the people working in the gaming industry. There’s a domino effect here and they only just started falling over.

There’s no way for me to tie this subject matter into my usual Splinter Cell closing. There is a remake on the way and I hope that can produce enough revenue to bring about a brand new game. But, in keeping with tradition, Ubisoft, it’s been 3,836 days since a new Splinter Cell game (non-animated series or guest spot in another game franchise, remake, BBC radio drama, or VR exclusive) was released.


Season 18, Episode 08

Pick a card…

Once this gets posted around everywhere, I plan on streaming for the first time in a while and it’s a game we talk about in the opening segment of the show. A little card game called Balatro.

The idea to stream it came to me as I was trying to explain it on the air and just figured streaming would be an easier way to show you how it plays. I may dip back into some pinball today as well – just for nostalgia sake. Maybe.

But that’s about today, what did we talk about on the show? Well, not really one specific thing after trying to explain Balatro. We covered Nintendo’s dev showcase thing they did earlier this week with not much to mention from that. There’s also the Elden Ring DLC but, again, not much to mention from that.

Then there’s the position Sony is sitting in. With no new franchise games being released until the midway to latter half of next year, what are they gonna do? My guess, given that GTA6 is coming next spring, is that we’ll get our midway revamp of the PS5 sometime this fall. GTA6 will not get a release on the previous generation consoles so those who want to play it are going to need to have a Series X or a PS5. And that game WILL absolutely move console sales. Having yours out there touting the best on the market is probably a good way to get that system sold for that specific game. And I don’t think Microsoft has any plans to release a Series X.5 just yet.

Something else with no plans of a release anytime soon…is Splinter Cell. Ubisoft, it’s been 3,822 days since a new Splinter Cell game (non-animated series or guest spot in another game franchise, remake, BBC radio drama, or VR exclusive) was released.


Season 18, Episode 07

Cool. Cool Cool Cool.

The PC is running again and not having any overheating issues as before. Totally something borked with the AIO. I do NOT recommend the Lian Li Galahad AIO (at least anything from 2021 or before). They actually discovered a manufacturer error in the build so avoid those AIO’s from the years mentioned. I have no idea how they perform since then and they’ve made quite a few advancements so, who knows?

As for gaming, it’s been a low key week for myself, personally, just because of the PC issues I was having. Now that it’s all fixed I plan to dive into a lot of demos from the Next Fest that happened last week (if they still work) and put more time into Baldur’s Gate or, maybe, jump into Helldivers 2 since that seems to be the big thing at the moment and may actually scratch my Destiny itch.

As for this episode, we talked about my AIO issues but also all the news from Xbox and Playstation this week. Xbox expanding their exclusives outside of their ecosystem and Sony dialing it back on what to expect from Playstation in the coming wee…mont…well, year, actually.

But you know what could immediately fix that for Sony? Splinter Cell.

Ubisoft, it’s been 3,815 days since a new Splinter Cell game (non-animated series or guest spot in another game franchise, remake, BBC radio drama, or VR exclusive) was released.


Season 18, Episode 06

Our apologies for the tardiness of this post and the complete lack of a video to accompany it.

I’ve recently run into computer issues so, for now, you’ll only be getting the audio portion of the show. I’ve got all the video stuff saved and ready to go, it’s just going to have to wait for now. We talk about the issues in this episode and, honestly, it has dominated my thoughts over the last few days.

That’s mainly because I can’t really do anything with my PC outside of maybe browsing a tab or two on google and some work related things. Gaming is, sadly, off the table for now. I’ll know in a few days when the replacement gets here but it seems to involve the CPU cooler. It’s an AIO and I hope to have more info to you by the time the next episode comes around – it’s a whole process with RMA and what not.

In the meantime, I got to spend a very short amount of time with some Steam Next Fest demos. And now I get to really put in some work on the steam deck and the consoles given they’re the only way I can game on anything currently. Hell, I’m even writing this on a laptop so I can spend as little time as possible with my main PC on and running.

Yes. It has gotten that bad.

Oh well, the waiting never ends.

Speaking of waiting, and waiting, and waiting…Ubisoft, it’s been 3,808 days since a new Splinter Cell game (non-animated series or guest spot in another game franchise, remake, BBC radio drama, or VR exclusive) was released.


Season 18, Episode 05

Lead me not into temptation…

The amount of times I have said that to myself in relation to gaming. I’m currently being lulled into the new Rocksteady game. I shouldn’t be, but I am. After seeing so many previews of the game leading up to this release I was NOT on board for it. I had no interest and was pretty sad that Rocksteady had gone in this direction and just didn’t stick to Batman.

But I get being tired of doing the same thing over and over again and we should applaud risks – especially in gaming where a lot of the time we get more of the same. And there’s a place for that and other teams who can work on that, but you’ve got to branch out and try something new. I think Rocksteady were doing that, but Warner stepped in and told them they could but it needed to be wrapped up in a DC comics skin.

Regardless, after launching and reading forum posts of people who’ve played it, I find myself falling for their hype. Hype anywhere else for this game is nonexistent. Reviews are tanking it (although I’m about to give the Digital Foundry video a look) and most other people who haven’t actually played the game are crapping on it as well. Still, I look to the folks who have actually played it and I’m not getting the stink like I am from everyone else.

There could be something there. Something fun for a little while at least, but something that, for me at the moment, isn’t worth the SEVENTY dollar price tag they want. You take thirty bucks off that and I’m probably in. Maybe. Perhaps. Possibly.

One game I’m certain I won’t wait for a sale on is Splinter Cell. Ubisoft, it’s been 3,801 days since a new Splinter Cell game (non-animated series or guest spot in another game franchise, remake, BBC radio drama, or VR exclusive) was released.


Season 18, Episode 04

A copy of a copy of a copy.

Palworld is, probably, not my thing. There are some aspects to it that I’m totally interested in. The idea of crafting materials on this assembly line like system with the Pals you capture in game. It almost looks “city builder”-ish, in a way.

That and flying around on one of your Pals is the only thing drawing me in that might, and it’s a very big MIGHT, get me into the game. But it’s gotta do a lot more than that for $30.

The reason there is any draw at all is just how massive this game has become over the course of a single week. It has exploded everywhere. Not just as a game a bunch of people are playing but the discussion around it and what it’s doing is leading the conversation. Especially where copyright and AI are concerned at this point.

Thing is, either Nintendo is gathering material for a lawsuit, or they’ve already looked at it and decided otherwise. I can’t figure any other way as to why it has taken so long for Nintendo to even say anything about this.

Then again, Square’s getting away with Foamstars so I guess anything’s possible if you change it just ever so slightly. That and the amount of people playing Palworld right now is not the number of people you want mad at your brand because you took something away from them.

After all, Ubisoft took away Splinter Cell. It’s been 3,794 days since a new Splinter Cell game (non-animated series or guest spot in another game franchise, remake, BBC radio drama, or VR exclusive) was released.


Season 18, Episode 03

The things you own end up owning you.

Recently the guy at Ubisoft in charge of their subscription service said that he hopes gamers can come to terms with not owning their games the same way we do with music and movies now. Where we own them digitally. Of course the guy in charge of a digital subscription service would say such a thing.

Physical media is still a thing. Even so much so that physical media on its way out has resurged and become a thing again (vinyl albums). I don’t know that we’ll ever see an all digital future (in my lifetime, I suppose). Where nothing is physical except the boxes that allow us to enjoy our digital purchases.
Then again, maybe it’s sooner than I think if more and more titles decide to go the all-digital route (Alan Wake 2 and now Hellblade 2).

For me, I go where the price is cheapest. And they’ve yet to really nail that down in most cases to where digital is more enticing than physical. They do not incentivize it at all. In fact, it feels almost the opposite in some cases.

My Steam library begs to differ, however.

Regardless of whether I own it (physically) or not (digitally), I’m still waiting on Splinter Cell. Ubisoft, it’s been 3,786 days since a new Splinter Cell game (non-animated series or guest spot in another game franchise, remake, BBC radio drama, or VR exclusive) was released.