
EAR Episode 106: “9 Is The New 10”

I think the phrase is “Better Late Than Never”, and that’s how we feel about Evil Avatar Radio. We never like to miss an episode, even if it means bringing it to you later than usual.

This episode of Evil Avatar Radio is a bit different from our normal shows. It’s like one long after show segment. But we still do our normal stuff. We cover what news there was of the week (and two days) previous and tell you about our gaming since last we spoke (I am way ass behind in GTA4). Plus we talk about the HAZE demo and watch the Mirror’s Edge trailer (again).

Some of our longer discussions focus on GTA4, obviously, game reviewing and what a 10 really means to us (you know, if you finish the game you’re reviewing in the first place), plus we talk about Iron Man, and Jeremy and Daniel have a chat about copyright laws brought about by the Muppets of all things.

One reply on “EAR Episode 106: “9 Is The New 10””

Yes, you can call Carmen mid-mission for healthy tips abouts negating the damage caused by two dozen rounds of ammunition lodged firmly in your chest. Crisis averted.

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