
Season 9, Episode 15

We’re doing some fuzzy math at the following link.

Lately I’ve been having a lot of fun playing Splinter Cell: Blacklist. It’s a game I got a little ways through when it released and then got distracted or bored or something that kept me from going back to it for ever how long. Now that I’m back playing it and enjoying it, I’m almost done with it. So it was nice last week to get the news that another sneaky-sneak game I’m a fan of was currently in the works. Deus Ex: Human Revolution was a game I played all the way through without taking a year long or more (or less) break. Outside of the boss fights, I loved it. And while finishing up Splinter Cell, I was really hoping we’d be hearing something new for Sam Fisher, but I’ll totally take Adam Jensen in the interim.

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