
Season 10, Episode 06

We’re recovering from a diabetic coma at the following link.

Nothing like being surrounded by games for 3 days to make you want to play more games. Market is a bit flooded right now with things to play. Do you like puzzles? The Witness came out. Do you like adventure? Tomb Raider released on PC. Do you like addictive game play but also don’t mind getting killed over and over? XCOM 2 is for you. Do you like whatever Firewatch is? Also Unravel…that’s out now too.

PAX South is over and while I’m telling you about it in this episode, I’ll still be telling you about it in the next episode. It doesn’t feel like I saw a lot of games, but there was enough of what I did see to continue talking about it on the next show. So yeah, the market’s flooded, but that isn’t me complaining. It’s like the cartoon cliche of being buried in chocolate…we’ll just have to eat our way out of it. The best kind of way to survive.

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