
Season 10, Episode 32

We’re uploading a day-one patch on this episode at the following link.

I don’t have the least bit of excitement for No Man’s Sky. However, I am totally interested in how it will play out this week in reviews and public opinion. It was on my radar at some point, I can’t remember when, but I lost interest the longer they took to make it. And the excessive amounts of times they would show footage without answering a single question. But whatever…it’s here now, right? So where’d my hype go? I don’t know, but I’ve lost interest. I’m curious how it plays and looks on PC, but that’s about it as far as my own involvement.

Then there’s what everyone else thinks about it. Keep in mind, however, I’m not watching this like some twisted NASCAR fan who only goes to see the crashes. I said it on the show and I’ll say it here – every time I have a bad feeling about a game prior to its release, I want to be proven wrong. Always. Every time. Let me eat my words so I can have something to enjoy that surprises me. It happened twice with Wolf and Doom. Here’s hoping it happens again with No Man’s Sky.

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