
Season 11, Episode 11

Our lips are moving but we aren’t saying anything at the following link.

How bad does something have to be before you can’t put up with it anymore? Loaded question, I know, so let’s constrain it to what we know best – video games. It’s sort of the video game version of the chicken/egg question. If a game plays phenomenally with a fantastic story but looks like crap, is it still a good game? If a game looks amazing but the story is weak, is it still a good game? I think all of these are subjective to the player. In the end it’s up to them on if they got their money’s worth and if their time was spent well with a game.

None of us have played Mass Effect Andromeda, but at least from the people we spoke with on this episode who have, they’re easily enjoying what they are playing regardless of what they might be seeing. The animations have their drawbacks at times but it isn’t enough to take them away from the enjoyment the game is giving them. It’s a win for them and seems to come highly recommended. It’s what works for them.

So what about you? Where does a game succeed or fail for you? Does it need to hit certain points on all levels to be something you’ll enjoy or can a game knock it out of the park in one single area for you to look past the other faults? We have reviews and videos for other people to tell us what they think. We even have our show for that. But really, after all is said and done, it’s up to you, the player, to make those choices for what works best for you.

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