
Season 13, Episode 03

We’re not taking Matt’s suggestion of music anytime soon at the following link.

I barely touched any game all week long. And that’s not fun for me. Destiny pretty much provided me with nothing to do. But it was the game I went to a few times during the week. I logged in as I regularly do in order to make some advancements that took no time at all, but that was it. I spent a total of MAYBE 30 minutes in the game. For the whole week. I logged into Assassin’s Creed on Project Stream and made sure I had my hour of play time logged so I could be eligible for the free copy of the game two weeks from now. I spent maybe 5 minutes in the game.

That was it. I didn’t play anything else. It’s currently Sunday as I write this and once I’m done I’ll usually check some other sites and eventually fire up Destiny and that will be my Sunday. All day long all on Destiny. But that’s not going to happen today. I’m going to post this and then go play Spider-Man or Red Dead or Hitman or anything else.

Course, there’s also that saying of announcing your plans…

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