
Season 19, Episode 02

Just as a note, I’m writing this the day after we recorded this episode. Yeah, some things have happened since then and we’re absolutely going to talk about it on the NEXT episode. For now, I want to keep this content relevant to the episode it’s attached to, even though it does have to do with gaming, we’ll talk about Marvel Snap in the next episode.

For now, it’s all about the Switch 2. Which…really isn’t that much. We got an announcement trailer with no voice over or much else except a reveal of the console. That’s it. We’ll know more coming up in April, but until then we wait – for probably more leaks. Because we still need to know what kind of performance with this thing we’re dealing with. As well, what are we looking at as a game library? A big one with backwards compatibility, of course, but who else is jumping on this ship and releasing games for the Switch 2. Also, what other little tricks are being kept secret with that console? Then, of course, there’s the release date and the price still to come. So, yeah, still more information to be had and we’ve just got to wait it out.

In the meantime, I’ve wrapped up my adventure with the new Indiana Jones game and will be moving on to something else – I just haven’t yet figured out what that’ll be. I’m eyeballing platformers for right now, but we’ll see. I also wouldn’t mind a third person adventure/action game as well – Spider-Man 2 or an Assassin’s Creed perhaps.

What game it WON’T be is, of course, Splinter Cell. Ubisoft, it has been 4,170 days since a new Splinter Cell game (non-animated series or guest spot in another game franchise, remake, BBC radio drama, or VR exclusive) was released.

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