
Season 19, Episode 04

“Let a joy keep you. Reach out your hands and take it as it runs by.”

I’m still putting in time with AstroBot. It’s a great little game to come home to, if that makes any sense. Like, it’s a comfortable TV show. A feel good book. Something to take away the worries of the day.

A single level in that game can do this. Well, one of the full levels – the challenge levels might have the opposite effect. Even still, getting through a challenge level still gives you a pretty great sense of accomplishment. So, maybe that works too.

We have a lot of those games in our lives. And they’re all different for all of us. Mine is AstroBot (at the moment) or a good puzzle box game (currently scratching that itch with Boxes: Lost Fragments – it’s real cheap). For others maybe it’s a racing game or an RPG to get lost in or just some quick phone app game. We all have our escapes and we all escape to different places.

It’s just nice to be able to have that. Especially on the rough days or weeks or months even.

I really hope you have something like that for you. Doesn’t have to be a game. It can be a book, or a magazine, or even a YouTube channel or something you like to check in on daily or weekly. Whatever it might be, I’m glad you’ve found it and have it. And if something like that doesn’t exist for you, I hope you’re able to search one out. It could even be some sort of hobby like a Lego build you work on a few minutes a day or something.

Enjoy the things that bring you joy.

And yeah, still calling out Ubisoft over Splinter Cell. It has been 4,184 days since a new Splinter Cell game (non-animated series or guest spot in another game franchise, remake, BBC radio drama, or VR exclusive) was released.

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