
Season 17, Episode 33

Cyberpunk in the sheets and Starfield in the streets.

Pay no attention to the above, I just needed an opening line. So far I’ve spent 15 hours in Starfield and only near 4 in Cyberpunk. And with both I’ve not even begun to scratch the surface of what’s on offer.

Still, I can’t see myself really comparing the two games. And I’m not sure why a lot of people do. They play entirely different, to me. Starfield is a SLOW burn of a game. A walking rpg with some shooty bang thrown in from time to time. Cyberpunk feels the reverse of that (again, so far. It’s early yet for me in both) where you don’t really get the freedom of Starfield but a lot more of the shooty bang.

The only other way I can compare them and it’s on a strictly personal level – I’m having more fun so far playing Cyberpunk than I did playing Starfield. But Starfield’s a whole mood. Like a good cigar and a drink – you plan to be there a while and take your time to soak it in and enjoy. Cyberpunk is…I’m not sure the opposite of that. But it’s go-time all the time in Cyberpunk. And I’m good with that right now. And when I’m not, then Starfield will be there for me.

What isn’t there for me is a new Splinter Cell game. Ubisoft, it’s been 3,681 days since a new Splinter Cell game (non-animated series or guest spot in another game franchise, remake, BBC radio drama, or VR exclusive) was released.


Season 17, Episode 32

It feels a bit like this year really only got going around May as far as game releases are concerned. It’s early yet but we were thinking of what we might be looking for come the Black Friday sales in November and…it wasn’t a big list?

Looking back at the year it only really seemed to start in May with the Zelda release (but Nintendo doesn’t really do discounts – big ones – ever, much less during the holiday). By the time we get to where we are now there doesn’t seem like there will be many big titles on sale this season.

Nevertheless, we’ll still go over whatever might be offered. Feels like it’s going to be some new but mostly last year titles returning for possibly steeper discounts.

Unless you’re playing on PC and then you just have to roll the dice on something in a steam sale. PC titles do not enjoy the kinds of discounts the console titles get around the Black Friday season. Usually, anyway.

Something that won’t be on sale (because we’re still waiting for it) is a new Splinter Cell game. Ubisoft, it’s been 3,674 days since a new Splinter Cell game (non-animated series or guest spot in another game franchise, remake, BBC radio drama, or VR exclusive) was released.


Season 17, Episode 31

Last week I wrote that I was merely thinking about picking up Starfield on PC but later on that very same day I wrote that – I bought it.

I’ve sunk 7 hours into the game so far and I’m still on the first moon. I’ve hardly touched the main questline. In fact, I haven’t at all. Once given my first ship, I went to that first moon they send you to and I haven’t touched the main quest there until recently. And even then, I don’t have to finish it or continue on when I do. I can still just…explore. This is something I’m enjoying, so far. It’s far too early in the game to think this will be a rinse and repeat process as I go further, but I’m hoping it isn’t.

Even if it is, Cyberpunk is calling my name. As will many other games still to come this year.

That leak from Microsoft seems to easily confirm what we already knew: Bethesda games will likely be exclusive to them from here on out and if not all of them – the big ones will be. And given Microsoft’s ambition of dream acquisitions, I’d expect that to be the case with all the big studios they buy up. However, I can’t imagine them doing anything any time soon after everything they went through buying Activision. Another big get, by the way, and almost assuredly something that will eventually be exclusive to Xbox & PC. They’re just gonna wait it out before pulling that trigger. And probably look towards a better battle plan for the next company they look at buying. Some of the names on that list, I would imagine, will be a tougher sell for them to own in the eyes of the FTC and what not.

Also, I’m still banned from Destiny.

We’re all banned, however, from playing a new Splinter Cell game. Ubisoft, it’s been 3,667 days since a new Splinter Cell game (non-animated series or guest spot in another game franchise, remake, BBC radio drama, or VR exclusive) was released.


Season 17, Episode 30

So I put the smallest amount of time into Starfield on Xbox. Turns out I’ve lost any and all skill at first-person shooter games. I mean, the combat was bad for me (combat in game is fine, I just suck at it), but it didn’t even matter if it was combat. Just trying to get the prompt to pick something up or inspect it was terrible for me. The point I’m getting to here is that this will work better for me on PC. And I’ll eventually get there. I just don’t know when and it’s something we discuss in this episode.

Same with my Destiny ban. It’s still there, unlikely to be going away any time soon. I honestly would like the ban lifted, even if I don’t return to the game. It kinda sucks to know you’re “marked” as banned from any game but especially the one you devoted so much time towards. Still, this is probably the best way to break that cycle, I suppose.

As for the news, Nintendo and Sony had some good presentations this week. Regardless of content, I like how they do these things. All games, no filler.

And then there’s Unity. I don’t follow developer news too much. I’m not in that world to know what people use and like and how it all works but their decision to change policy like they did this week seem so out of left field for them. They were one of the good ones, right? See, I don’t know. I just know a LOT of indie devs used them. A lot who can’t afford what this new fee will do to them. The whole thing starts out a bad story and just goes downhill from there, but I highly respect those devs who are calling this out and threatening action if the policy doesn’t change.

I doubt it’ll change until management does.

Something else that never changes – Ubisoft, it’s been 3,660 days since a new Splinter Cell game (non-animated series or guest spot in another game franchise, remake, BBC radio drama, or VR exclusive) was released.


Season 17, Episode 29

Brooks was here.

I guess a lot can happen in two weeks. We hardly touched on anything that really came about during those two weeks but we did give some time to Starfield. And we’ll likely give it more time in the weeks to come.

In other news, I’m in an interesting position as far as my gaming habits are concerned. I somehow got banned from Destiny 2. I’ve filed an appeal as it is the only action I can actually take in the matter, but I’m sort of stuck. I knew that at some point in the future I would be done with the game. That point was only about a year away really, and it was unknown as to just how it all would end and if I might continue on depending on what was offered after this whole saga wraps up. But now, well, it feels kind of weird not having that available to me anymore. In some ways freeing and in some ways lost.

Yes, I know we’re talking about a video game. That’s part of why I’m not in some sort of rage or sadness over it. If it’s done, it’s done. If they reinstate my account, also good. Not sure I’ll come back if they do, but that all depends on time, I guess. For now, the world’s my oyster with video games, and there’s a ton out there for me to experience.

I will miss it, though. Not so much the game, but playing it with my clan. I think all games that invite teamwork can, over time, build a community and within that community grows relationships and bonds. Helpful strangers become years-long friendships. Moments remembered. Milestones achieved. Over a long enough amount of time, that all becomes a bond. Destiny 2 encouraged that, almost in spite of how horrible a job it did within the game itself. And that brings me back to the community that was born of it. So if there’s sadness or rage, it comes from the loss of that aspect. Not from NOT playing the game. But from missing playing and talking about the game with my friends.

There’s no interesting segue to the signature close of this show post. I can’t and honestly don’t want to connect the two. It’s simply been 3,653 days since a new Splinter Cell game (non-animated series or guest spot in another game franchise, remake, BBC radio drama, or VR exclusive) was released.


Season 17, Episode 28

I love Max Payne 1 & 2. Absolutely love them. The first was fantastic and the second took it exactly where it needed to go and pulled it off near flawlessly. Then came Max Payne 3.

I just finished that before doing this episode and while I’m not sure the setting and story were Max Payne worthy – the dialogue was spot on near perfection. Just one liner after one liner to the point I wanted a soundboard so I could play a random clip of dialogue from the game to convey whatever I might be feeling at the current moment.

I’ve been having a run on noir-style games at the moment with Max Payne 3 and doing a replay of The Wolf Among Us. Not sure where I’ll go next but the next season of Destiny is right around the corner. For better or worse.

Then comes Starfield.

To quote Max Payne – Time was a luxury I couldn’t afford.

Speaking of time – Ubisoft, it has been 3,632 days since a new Splinter Cell game (non-animated series or guest spot in another game franchise, remake, BBC radio drama, or VR exclusive) was released.


Season 17, Episode 27

The backlog is on the fire and we are cooking!

I don’t know why that was the first line to come to mind, but…there it is. Point being, I’ve been going back into some old games recently and enjoying them very much. Mostly, I don’t remember playing some of these games. Max Payne 3 I have a few memories of and sometimes during my playthrough it’ll trigger and I’ll have a momentary flash of recognition. It doesn’t last long.

Same with Wolf Among Us. I have one distinct memory of that early on in Episode 1 and…that’s it. Some parts of it seem like a memory or a confusion between other games, but nothing has stuck, really. And the same goes for LA Noire. Near a total blank there and I actually wrote a review of the game way back in 2013. Or earlier.

It’s fun to revisit old games that you enjoyed. And even more so when your memory is so shot you sort of experience them again for the first time – a second time. Then again, there’s plenty over the years I haven’t played and I’m looking forward to those as well (I’m looking at you Control & Titanfall 2).

But I’m absolutely not looking at Red Dead Redemption’s Switch/PS4 port.

Speaking of old games – Ubisoft, it has been 3,625 days since a new Splinter Cell game (non-animated series or guest spot in another game franchise, remake, BBC radio drama, or VR exclusive) was released.


Season 17, Episode 26

For a brief moment in the show (probably not too brief knowing how I ramble) we talk about the next thing from Nintendo. And right there live on the show I’m thinking about it. Or at least, analyzing HOW I think about a new console from Nintendo. Mainly given my history of their new systems.

I realized that most likely beginning with the Gamecube, I’ve kept the big N from being compared to the other two, Microsoft & Sony. I mean, even then I was comparing but I think it was during that system’s lifetime and what we knew was coming next where I just sort of kept them separate. From the design of their systems to their libraries of games – it’s just a different world from what’s going on in Xbox land and PlayStation world. And Nintendo (and probably the other two) all kind of look at it that way as well.

And it occurred to me that I’m never actually interested in the design of a PS or an Xbox. I’m interested in what’s inside them and their power, but never the look. And it’s a bit different with Nintendo. Their form factor (even more so now that they’ll likely stick to a portable device) is crucially important. Maybe more so than the innards of the machine itself. We know it’ll be improved over the current Switch, but it will hardly matter how much. We’re just waiting for the gimmick. Motion controls for the Wii, portability for the Switch. So what’s next? Guts be damned – how does the system look and feel in my hands?

Speaking of what’s next – Ubisoft, it has been 3,618 days since a new Splinter Cell game (non-animated series or guest spot in another game franchise, remake, BBC radio drama, or VR exclusive) was released.


Season 17, Episode 25

Sometimes…there’s just nothing to talk about. This is normal for this time of the year. There’s a few of these here and there throughout the year where, well, really nothing is happening. Nothing newsworthy at the moment anyway. Kind of a lull in releases as well.

So we look at our back catalog and, for me, that’s been Red Dead Redemption 2. And while I want more of that, say a third game maybe, we already know Rockstar is working on GTA6. When what they should be working on…is Bully 2.

I say that without ever having played the first game. I only know from the reception the game received to the revival years later and yet again years after that. It’s cyclical but a TON of people look back fondly on that game and wonder if/when we might get another.

Probably never. But Rockstar has surprised me before. Table Tennis, anyone?

Speaking of ‘probably never’ – Ubisoft, it has been 3,618 days since a new Splinter Cell game (non-animated series or guest spot in another game franchise, remake, BBC radio drama, or VR exclusive) was released.


Season 17, Episode 24

A Long Time Ago…

However many years ago it was when Jedi Fallen Order released. I’ve finally jumped into the game and well, not a lot to complain about from a ever how many years old game but there are some issues. Mainly the map.

I mention this on the show but the level of confusion early on is not so much the getting to a place on a planet but getting BACK from that place. The different paths to take weren’t too bad early on because I didn’t have the abilities to really do any of the branching but as I got more into the game, I’ve opened up paths that have confused me more than giving me a shortcut or new pathways to explore. At this point, I’m actually glad to see a path that moves the story along rather than something that has a collectible or whatever.

Also, the Wookies are nightmare fuel in that game. I hope the sequel did a better job with them.

In other news, well, there isn’t much. Mostly more of the Microsoft/Activision thing and this deal made with Sony for Call Of Duty to stay multi-platform. But really, it was a slow week gaming news wise. Which is fine. There’s always a few lulls during the year between news, releases, and whatever else. This happens to be one of those for the time being. We’ll see what happens next week.

Speaking of waiting for things to happen – Ubisoft, it has been 3,611 days since a new Splinter Cell game (non-animated series or guest spot in another game franchise, remake, BBC radio drama, or VR exclusive) was released.


Season 17, Episode 23

At long last, that poor dead horse can finally stop being beaten.

Microsoft is now in the clear for buying Activision. This is likely to happen on Monday at some point or that week anyway. It’s going to be very interesting to see what happens from here on out. I mean, Microsoft will still buy more studios (but nothing like this, not 67 BILLION dollars) and they will likely buy them within the year, but this is the big one. The biggest one, really. It’s historic the money being spent here and what’s happening.

While the conversation of courts and stuff will die down, new ones will come about in regards to what will happen with the games of Activision/Blizzard as well as the people there. We’re all expecting Gamepass to explode with more content (I think it’ll be minimal for the most part), it’s likely going to mean that going forward whatever was planned from these studios/publishers will show up on Gamepass and may actually be exclusive – unless deals were already in place.

It’s a bit odd to think that 67 Billion was spent on this deal and the top two game names that come to mind are Call Of Duty and Diablo. I mean, there’s WAY more than that, but it really feels like they spent that much money just to have those two franchises. As big as they are, I suppose.

Anyway, this horse is dead. Bring on the next one.

Oh hey, here’s another dead horse. Ubisoft, it has been 3,604 days since a new Splinter Cell game (non-animated series or guest spot in another game franchise, remake, BBC radio drama, or VR exclusive) was released.


Season 17, Episode 22

Over the past two weeks I’ve been giving my Xbox console some more love than I usually do. It’s on the big TV and there’s Gamepass so there’s bound to be something worth playing or a lot of somethings, actually.

Turns out while there were a few games there worth my time, I ended up going back to Red Dead Redemption 2. The last save state for that game was from 2018 and for whatever reason this time the game stuck with me and I’ve been moving forward in it daily. Even made it finally to Chapter 3.

There was also Flight Sim. This was something I built my PC for but never got around to playing on PC but thought I would give it a try on console. It blew me away and now, more than ever, I’d finally like to play it on PC.

Speaking of PCs and consoles, we kind of have that discussion here again. And I notice as time goes on the line gets thinner and thinner when it comes to needing to own a console to play certain games. With Sony jumping in to publish on PC, there seems to be only Nintendo left.

Although the mod/emulator community have certainly helped to thin that line as well.

But I’ll play Splinter Cell wherever they decide to release it. If they ever do. Ubisoft, it has been 3,597 days since a new Splinter Cell game (non-animated series or guest spot in another game franchise, remake, BBC radio drama, or VR exclusive) was released.

E3 Episodes

Season 17, Episode 21

Just as a note – there is no show for next week.

As for this show, we dive right into everything we never got around to from the last episode. We finally cover all over what the not-E3 had to offer as well as go through all the things we’re finding out from the FTC vs Microsoft case for the purchase of Activision/Blizzard.

It’s a lot crammed into less than 2 hours of show and we barely touched on anything we played (I actually did put in time with other games/demos besides Destiny).

All in all, this is a pretty big year for games. Whatever has aligned has given us TWO new entries into the grandfathers of fighting games with Street Fighter 6 and MK1. A new entry into the Final Fantasy series. A new Zelda game, Assassin’s Creed and Starfield is yet to come.

Hopefully there’s something in the mix you’ll be enjoying or looking forward to.

As for me, I’m still waiting for another Sam Fisher game. Ubisoft, it has been 3,583 days since a new Splinter Cell game (non-animated series or guest spot in another game franchise, remake, BBC radio drama, or VR exclusive) was released.

E3 Episodes

Season 17, Episode 20

I’ll just tell you upfront here that we didn’t get to nearly all the topics we wanted to on the show. We barely got through the Microsoft presentation. Much less ANY of the others or even Starfield. But that’s on me cause I ramble. A lot.

To just sort of cover the whole thing in general, I thought it all was a pretty good showing. There is A LOT to look forward to not only in the coming months but also next year as well (should all those dates hold – they won’t).

Starfield is incredibly ambitious and just struck me in the head with the whole deep dive that was done and I was left wanting so much more. Not that the game needs more, but I really want to see more of it. My concern that I tried to mention on the show was the comparisons to No Man’s Sky.

I can’t really make that comparison since I haven’t played Starfield, but I also really haven’t put in the time and effort with No Man’s Sky either. I’d like to have some opinions though. I’d like to know from No Man’s Sky fans and players who DID put in that effort, what do you think of Starfield? As they were describing everything and showing it off, it seemed to come with this feeling of “look how big and massive our game is and all this stuff you can do with spaceships and outposts and planets – it’s amazing!”, but it’s been done before, right? Like, the NMS and Starfield comparison is legit, isn’t it? Not that two games doing something similar can’t exist, of course, but it seems like the comparison is muted, maybe. I’m not sure. I would just like a take on Starfield from NMS players. What did you think? Did it make you want to start all over again? Did it not matter at all and you just want more space exploration? What did you think?

In fact, what did all of you think of this year’s presentations and the games shown off? What about the games missing? Let us know.

Speaking of missing games, I was all set for SOMETHING related to Sam Fisher and the Splinter Cell games, but there was nothing. I was really surprised Ubisoft didn’t mention this at all. It has been 3,576 days since a new Splinter Cell game (non-animated series or guest spot in another game franchise, remake, BBC radio drama, or VR exclusive) was released.


Season 17, Episode 19

I really wish they’d spread this out.

I’m speaking mainly of all the reveals, updates, expansions…just all the announcements. Spread out that stuff, please. It’s like overeating at a restaurant or a movie that goes on WAY too long. I know it’s an odd thing to hear, but I’m not asking them to cut back (as helpful as that might be), I’m just asking them to spread it out over the course of the summer or even the month.

It is amazing to see all the games being announced, but it’s overwhelming. By the time I’m done watching the 90 minute presentation, I’ve forgotten about most of the games shown off. This is followed by another 60 to 90 minute presentation. And I’m writing this on a Sunday morning, with 2 more shows today and more coming this week. It’s just…it’s a lot.

And really, I’m only saying this because of ALL the games that kind of fall through the cracks here. Lots of interesting looking games, but they’re either buried under other interesting looking games or aren’t scheduled for release until much later. And, sometimes even worse, they get released now or in the next few days and are buried again under all these other announcements and shows.

I know it sounds like old-man-complaining here, but it’s more about everything being done within a week when there’s a month or two where it can be spread out.

Even still, it is nice to see so many games on the horizon or sooner. And by that I just mean the amount of different types of games to cover all kinds of genres and interests. It doesn’t matter what type of games you like, there is easily something (or multiple somethings) coming soon for you.

This is the part where I continue to count how many days since Ubisoft released a new Splinter Cell game. Keep in mind they are working on what’s been called a remake of the first game and we might actually see that show up this week. But, if it isn’t new, we’re still going to be counting the days. And for now it has been 3,569 days since a new Splinter Cell game (non-animated series or guest spot in another game franchise, remake, BBC radio drama, or VR exclusive) was released.