Episodes Interviews

EAR Episode 75: “I get to blow s*** up all day”

It’s Halo eve…what is SantaBap bringing you? For us he brings first-hand accounts of the Halo 3 launch in Seattle, and he’s not the only one. Reports come in from all points about the fever pitch and the midnight release while we talk our way through the story, gameplay and history of Halo. We’re also paid a surprise visit by Steve Scott, Bungie’s chief pyrotechnician, who suggests we keep a weather eye out for his favoritest explosion in the game.

This one’s rated T for Teen, folks, as your experience may change during online play. Err, listening.

Episodes Interviews

EAR Episode 74: Games – And The Women That Love Them

A week before Halo and all through the threads, people were scared of massive spoilers ahead.

I can’t rhyme for shit, however, I can tell you about all the cool things happening on tonight’s episode of Evil Avatar Radio. We’ve got everything you need to cure a dull Monday night. We’ll talk about the games we played this weekend, or maybe just the game for those of you with COD4 Betas. Plus, we’ll get a visit from Santa Bap as he calls in to tell us of some Halo 3 contests that will begin this week. Major details to be revealed indeed.

Also tonight, our main theme of the show will be focused on women in the gaming industry as well as women gamers. First up will be Evil Avatar’s own thaGirl (Anjanette) and joyebean (Joye), both of whom work for Amaze Entertainment and have plenty to talk about as far as how they got where they are now and what it took to get there.

As always, thanks for listening.

Episodes Interviews

EAR Episode 73: Argh!

Another Monday night means another EARful of gaming chat with Evil Avatar Radio. We’ll have a brace of interviews for you that were nabbed back at PAX by Psykoboy2. We’ll hear first from WizKids about the new Halo ActionClix, and then from Theresa Pudenz of Flying Lab Software about the upcoming MMOG, Pirates of the Burning Sea.

We’ll talk about the inevitable shift in emotions regarding BioShock, why the PS3 can’t catch a break…all the thoughts that keep us up at night.

Download now and listen!


EAR Episode 72: Also…BioShock Is Discussed

There’s nothing like a three-day weekend to satisfy that yen for an unreasonably long stretch of gaming – especially if that weekend is spent with some of the best gaming in recent memory. We’ve availed ourselves of betas, demos, and discounts over the holiday, and we know there’s at least one significant new release to contend with no matter which system you have at home.

Join us as we talk about time well spent, both ours and yours. We have the week’s news, new releases, and a visit from TrackZero, here to share some information he picked up at X07 in Canada.


EAR Episode 71: PAX Report

The Penny Arcade Expo has come and gone and our stalwart reporter, Psykoboy2, has returned with a head full of anecdotes and a sackful of swag. Though haggard and weary, he’ll be allowed no rest until he’s been fully debriefed on the air.

Join us as we discuss the panels, impressions, revelations and madcap antics of this year’s fan-favorite expo.

Episodes Interviews

EAR Episode 70: Two for the Show

Does it feel a bit like Christmas Eve to anyone but us? BioShock is the first of this year’s top-shelf titles and it’s mere hours away from release. We’ve wrung the demo dry and scoured every retail outlet in town for early-release copies. We’ve had no luck in finding one, and even less luck in getting this game off our minds. It’s a good thing we’ve got a radio show to help with the catharsis.

And as if that weren’t excitement enough, this is also our last show before PAX! We’ve busied ourselves dictating Psykoboy2‘s itinerary for the expo and I can assure you that, as our sole ambassador, his will is not his own. So tonight, in anticipation of this weekend’s festivities, we’ll be joined by Kristin Lindsay, Events Coordinator for Penny Arcade, and Moe Fwacky, trail-master of the PAX Cross-Country Supertrip. That’s two great interviews for the price of none.

Download now for all of the above, as well as gaming news, our weekly free rental giveaway, listener calls, comments, emails and more.

Episodes Interviews

EAR Episode 69: Quite a Khoo

It’s another episode of Evil Avatar Radio, this time sporting a dirty number. In the first hour we cover the news of the week. And then in hour two, we are joined by Robert Khoo – Business Manager at Penny Arcade, and the man behind PAX. He took questions from ourselves and our live listeners about his history with PA, PAX – past and present, the Penny arcade game, and dropped some info on upcoming projects. Then in the third hour we gave away some prizes to our live listeners, tried the Mountain Dew Halo 3 drink, talked about the Bioshock Demo, and more.

Or maybe I’m lying. Maybe none of that happened and I made it all up just now. You’ll never know if you don’t download it and listen for yourself!


EAR Episode 68: The New Guys

It’s the beginning of a new era at EAR as Scott, James, and I take over hosting duties. We are thrilled to be here, and look forward to serving up your weekly dose of podcasty goodness.

In this episode, we go over the massive release schedule for Q4 2007 (which will put a serious dent in our wallets), talk a bit about the recent “modchip raids” (which weren’t as much fun as a WoW raid, I hear), and the news of week.

Thanks for downloading and listening to the show, and thanks for all of your support!


In-Game Chat EP26 07-30-07

It’s that time of the week again. Time again to gather ’round the web and talk about video games – the same thing we do every other day of the week. Tonight, we covered the usual news of the week that was and took a look at the games being released this week. We had another trivia contest giving you a chance to win a free rental from Movie Gallery/Gamezone (good in the US & Canada). Also tonight, we talked to Philip Kollar of Evil Avatar and former host of Evil Avatar Radio (it’s very strange to type that out). He’s moving from radio to the written word over at 1UP and he talked to us about that transition, what he’ll be doing over there, and what’s to become of both In-Game Chat & Evil Avatar Radio.

Evil Avatar Radio
August 6th, IGC becomes Evil Avatar Radio.
Episodes Interviews

In-Game Chat Ep25 07-23-07

Another week begins and so does another episode. We have got news from the week that was as well as breaking news from today. We will also take a look at games and movies coming out this week. We also talk with Keith Fuller of Raven Software about the recent passing of artist Glen Angus. You may not have known him, but you probably know his work and we hope that after talking with Keith, you will know him even more and the cause he was so very passionate about. All that and more along with your calls, questions, comments, and emails.

Glen Angus's Website
A moving illustration that portrays autism, and a simple request for awareness.
Ravensoft's announcement of Glen's passing, and memorial fund information.
E3 Episodes

In-Game Chat Ep24 07-16-07

Wow. What a week it’s been. Tons upon tons of news to cover. E3 has come and gone and left behind a lot of news in it’s wake, not to mention a lot of people scratching their heads as to Sony’s price cut/non-price cut, Nintendo’s Wii Board, and then there’s Microsoft who didn’t leave us with as much confusion so much as they just didn’t surprise us with anything. It’s been a full week of news and almost every game cast is covering the fallout of E3. We covered E3 from top to bottom and we spoke to Evil Avatar’s Nick Puleo (BAPenguin) who attended this year’s event and got his thoughts on both E3 as a whole and on the games he witnessed while there. We took your calls in to Nick, and gave away another free rental from our friends at Movie Gallery/Gamezone. It’s all that and more of all things “gaming”, here on In-Game Chat!!


In-Game Chat Ep23 07-09-07

Ladies & Gentlemen, welcome to E3 Week. It’s our industry’s biggest event of the year and we’re gonna give you as much pre-E3 information as we can. Now, that’s not to say it’ll be all E3 news. Nope, we’ve got news on Sony and their PS3 price cut, a new PS3 in the works along with a new 360 as well. We talked about some of the things we are looking forward to from this year’s E3. Plus, we’ve given away another free rental courtesy of our friends at Movie Gallery/Gamezone (good in the US & Canada), and don’t forget about our special E3 show on Wednesday night. It’ll be at the same time (7pm central) and we’ll cover all the news so far from E3, including the highlights of the Big 3 press conferences and maybe chat with Evil Avatar’s Nick Puleo (BAPenguin) live from the show floor.


In-Game Chat Ep22 07-02-07

Monday again and we’re back for more. We covered the news from the week that was, and looked ahead at what this week will bring. As you know, our shows can sometimes focus on events of the week, and this week, it’s Transformers. Really…like you weren’t expecting that. Plenty of talk of the new film and our memories from the old film – clips and music galore. Also, what’s with the iPhone? We’ve had our weekly giveaway of a free rental from Movie Gallery/Gamezone (good at ANY Movie Gallery in the US & Canadia). Also, we had a special E3 program announcement! All right here bundled in a cute file just for YOU!! Thanx for listening to IGC!


In-Game Chat Ep21 06-25-07

Another Monday and another night of gaming talk. Three hours of it, in fact. Listen in as we go over the top news stories of the week and take a look at what this week brings us in releases. Also we’ll cover the first of a 3-part series of what to expect from E3. Microsoft will be this weeks focus. We’ll discuss what may or may not be shown or announced at E3 from Gates & Co. Next week, we’ll look at Nintendo and the week after (the week of E3), we’ll wrap it up with a look at Sony. We gave away another free rental from our friends at Movie Gallery/Gamezone. These free rental’s work at ANY Movie Gallery in the country, so tune in next week and win!!! All this and more on IGC!!


In-Game Chat Ep20 06-18-07

Thank you for your patience in the waiting for the podcast to become available as well as tolerating the skippiness in the 1st portion of the show due to bad weather at our recording facilities. Thanks so much for listening!

It’s Monday. That means it’s time to talk games for a couple hours. This week we went over the news of the day and the past week. We also kicked off our weekly giveaway. The good folks over at Movie Gallery/Gamezone have provided us with free rental certificates good at ANY of their stores nationwide. So if there’s a Movie Gallery near you, why not try and win? Not only that, we talked with Evil Avatar’s own “Phantomhitman” about his new side job as a professional video game player. All this & more talk of games, gadgets & all things geek, here, on IGC!