
The Sum Of Its Parts Episode

The live episode for Monday, October 20th is available for download.

Saint’s Row 2 and the lasting appeal of the World at War beta spoke for a large portion of our weekend gaming, but we did manage to come in just under the wire with a complete run-through of Dead Space.  Everyone could smell the influence of John Carpenter, System Shock 2, and Event Horizon (among many others) from a mile away, and we’re certain we can’t remember the last game we found so openly derivative. 

But, having borrowed so heavily (and often so heavy-handedly) from other properties, the developers managed the one feat that excuses their license: they made a fantastic game that is quite a bit more than the sum of its parts.  Sure, we’ve seen the story before, and while we were expecting to be fearful, we were barely ill at ease. At the end of things, though, the quality of the experience simply wasn’t in question, and Dead Space had proven itself a worthy competitor for even the most potent of holiday releases.

This week’s live show also sees the return of the newly-married man from his whirlwind tour of Orlando’s finest destinations and attractions.  Eight theme parks in nine days is more than reason enough for not having played a game in the last week and a half.  We’d all make the same sacrifice, to be sure.  And in our last minutes we take time to celebrate Scott’s thirtieth birthday on-air, and what better way to begin the examination of one’s own mortality than with butchered-barbie Dexter-themed cupcakes?  Red velvet, natch.


The Technical Difficulties Episode

Your Friday episode is finally available for download.

It goes almost without saying that show stopping computer problems would occur only after the man responsible for tackling them begins his vacation.  It’s for this very reason that the Wednesday show was late for many, and that the Friday show is late for all.  By now Jeremy will have applied the chicken entrails, read the runes and begun the necessary incantations to ensure timely delivery of future content.

As for the present content, it deals largely with the CoD: World at War beta; the inevitable comparison and contrast to last year’s CoD4 beta experience, and the surprising degree to which we’re satisfied by the offering.  Even without the cooperative campaign, we’d still be drawn in for a survey of the retail multiplayer maps and unlocks.  

And, as is the custom at the end of the week, we open the mailbag and sift among the worthy submissions for something we have the time and intelligence to address.  It’s at this point we realize the futility of trying to handle every question during the show, since they often elicit an hour-long discussion before the mics are even hot.  For any who may not have heard their suggestions echoed on the air, we can assure you they have echoed in the studio as well as our minds, so keep up with the supply.


The Megaton Episode

The Wednesday, October 15th episode is up and ready for download.

There’s a lot to be said for having one’s significant other take a keen interest in your video games.  Dana began with Yahoo and PopCap product, but in recent times has graduated to the sorts of things I leave sitting in my disc tray.  As much as I’ve come to love the change, it can hardly keep from being strange.  We begin this episode by discussing these oddities, among them my joy at learning that the girl was a closet “core-gamer”,  and the difficulty I sometimes have in explaining what I mistake for the obvious.

Additionally, we spend time examining not only the sorts of people we tend to be when a game requires a moral choice, but the sorts of people we expect to be. The future-juncture in question is the settlement of Megaton, a town on the outskirts of DC in Fallout 3, and the site of one major decision in what is sure to be a long chain of the same. How we each choose to deal with what is still a very theoretical scenario says more than we thought about the kinds of people we are. How well we match our own expectations when the time comes may say something else entirely.

Episodes Interviews

The Tommy Tallarico Episode

The live episode for Monday, October the 13th is available here.

Having made the trip to the closest major metropolitan area for a performance of Video Games Live, the show decides to welcome to its live hour game composer and VGL co-creator Tommy Tallarico.  We discuss the history of the show, it’s rampant and continuing growth, the difficulty of choosing among so many beloved and worthy arrangements for fans at each stop on the tour, and the drive to expose to non-gamers the validity of gaming’s musical composition.  With more than 50 performances this year, and half again more in the year to come, Video Games Live might well be within reach for every fan, devotee or casual listener.

Turning to the news, we’re stymied by Blizzard’s decision to release Starcraft 2’s racial campaigns in separate retail increments, desperate to get our hands on the increasingly well-reviewed Dead Space, sullen at the idea of having missed yet another beta, and jealous of Richard Garriott’s final ascension into earth orbit.  We’ve felt eternally on the edge of a cliff heading into the fall of 2008, and the emotional intensity is only going to increase from now until the end of the year.  Fear, awe, rage (in no short supply), relief, and the inevitable sadness from the financial toll will be with us all the way, and we can only hope the trip we’re about to take will meet our ridiculous expectations.


The Crazy Like A Fox Episode

The new episode for Saturday, October the 11th is yours for the downloading right here.

Time flies when digesting news from both the Tokyo Game Show and BlizzCon simultaneously, and it moves especially fast when you’ve got less than an hour to transmute that news into a cohesive discussion.  We’re on track with the new Halo entries and Diablo 3’s wizard class announcement and other important things, but we can’t help savoring a recent and growing love of Peter Molyneux’s accidental PR genius.  He’s at turns absurd and inspiring; enigmatic and embarrassing, like the manic pixie dream girl of post-middle-age game developers.  Personally, I’d have hated the spectacle in the past, but now I find myself hoping for a similar show from the rest of the eccentric grognards in the industry.

Sadly, an unavoidable road trip during our normal studio time means your panel for this episode is well under complement.  Jeremy is honeymooning with the missus and Dennis is shackled to whatever terrible apparatus he tends for the man.  The show is always something less when a co-host is absent, but these two were particularly missed during this week’s mail bag segment.  We had several opportunities to clarify for the listeners our feelings about the Wii, but without the heart and soul of our Nintendo fandom present, we had mostly shrugs and apologies.  Thanks to the quality input of a remarkable listener base the present cast was able to handle some subjects in full, so keep it up with the emails and stuff.  You’re making us look good.


The Core Gamer Episode

The new episode for Wednesday, October 8th is available here.

Sometimes you just can’t see it coming.  You’ve got half a dozen game enthusiasts in a room filled with microphones, and their sole intention is to light upon a subject worth talking about in the hopes that it sparks a conversation worth listening to.  You reach for news items, you compare notes on recent games played, and if you’re lucky someone has done their homework and has a stack of timely opinions waiting just at hand.  And sometimes, during an edit break, someone suggests that we all take a moment to watch a 40-second clip of the new Punch Out.

Lively discourse follows, and it’s of the sort that reminds us how much we owe to our own diversity.  If the cast was five Scotts, or three Jeremys and a Dennis, then we’d never be able to deliver anything like what we bring you today.  You can decide for yourself if that’s a good thing, but whatever the case, we invite you to listen and we thank you, as always, for your time.


The Cross-Platform Episode

The Monday, October 6th episode is now available here.

This week’s live hour begins with congratulations for the newly-wed co-host Jeremy, and marks the first point at which the married hosts outnumber the free ones.  We hope this won’t be a problem, but married people always seem to know what’s best for the single folk, so there’s no telling what’s in store for the unwed among us.

Sadly, this episode continues the recent (and hopefully short-lived) trend of bagging on Nintendo for the manner in which they’ve raised the new DSi as their “third pillar”.  Opinions on the show have long been split regarding the Wii, but we have a universal love for Nintendo handhelds, and would far prefer to cheer it to success than to use it as grist for the anger mill.   But take a note, Nintendo – region locking and points exclusivity don’t make friends.

The Bioshock demo on the PS3 gets the talk treatment, wherein we’re sad to confirm the reports of graphical footdragging, and we discuss our largely positive reaction to the news of how Deus Ex 3 may differ in some basic design categories from the beloved original. 

We also field calls from awesome fan Ravenlock, whose tastes clearly run akin to those of co-host Daniel, and equally awesome fan Virodeath, who leads us directly into the turbid waters of cross-platform MMO discussion. But fear not, we sail these waters often and come well prepared.

Thanks to all of our live listeners, callers and email contributors, and thanks to you dear podcast subscriber.  Your next episode is on deck for Wednesday, and your chance to guide the live talk comes again next Monday.  We’ll see you then, right here on In-Game Chat.


The Rhinovirus Episode

It’s Friday, October 3rd and your new episode is here.

Scott has a cold and he’s talking more than he really should.  Normally we wouldn’t much care, but he’s promised his honeyed voice in addition to his skills as some kind of mail-order preacher to our co-host Jeremy for his nuptials this weekend, and we’d rather he not sound like evil Ash while officiating the ceremony.

Based solely on its press release, Nintendo’s DSi hasn’t won any friends among the cast.  We’re no doubt in similar company with people who like longer battery life, legacy cartridge ports, and who don’t relish spending money on a third iteration of DS hardware.  Big money says we’ll buy it anyway.

We make sad faces about the cuts to Fable 2’s CE bonus content, War World’s 45-second demo content, and the complete annihilation of C&C Tiberium’s game content.  But we rally the positive vibe thanks to CoD 5’s co-op videos, which lead directly to some helpful suggestions for the gentlepersons at Gamefly.

And in the inaugural effort of what we’ve planned as a regular Friday segment, we dive into the mailbag to offer our thanks for listener support and to give long answers to short questions.  This is seriously something we never get tired of, so keep the email flowing.

Thanks for listening and enjoy the show.

intro – still alive by jonathan coulton

outro – castle crashers end theme (tricky’s song) by dan paladin


A Candle in the Window

We indicated earlier that we were by no means alone when leaving our former home in search of new and better opportunities, and we promised to clarify our status just as soon as everything was in order.  Now the short wait is over, and today we’re happy to announce that Colony of Gamers will be the new home for In-Game Chat, and we its official gaming podcast.  

Colony of Gamers (CoG) is a new site that emphasizes an involved and evolving community atmosphere in the belief that it will help create meaningful content and guidance for the site as a whole.  Its staff members include former editors, contributors and prominent community members of Evil Avatar, and it’s the gift of their time and attention that has made this development possible.

Colony of Gamers is also a nascent portal for many sister sites with whom it shares a pedigree.  Co-Optimus, Play It Review It, Immortal Machines, Johnny Gigawatt and the Tiger Men From Mars, and our own In-Game Chat make up the current extended family.  We are all proud to be associates of what is sure to be a success, for each of us individually, and for the communities we serve.

While we will continue to deliver our own perspective on the medium and the industry, we nonetheless invite all of our listeners, old and new, to visit and be welcomed into Colony of Gamers, and we thank you once again for making us a success by lending us your ear.


The First Episode

The First Episode is live and available for download.

It’s hardly the sort of “first” you might expect from the title, as this is neither the first podcast we’ve produced or even our first show as In-Game Chat.  Regardless, our continuity experts have assured us that the easiest way to avoid confusion is to pretend the past doesn’t exist.  We’ve read the historical texts and we’re not sure we like this answer, but it’s a hard thing to deny when you’re looking to reinvent yourself.

Inside you’ll find discussion on the dissolution of our old affiliations and hints about the new ones, as well as plenty of reassurances that nothing will change followed by immediate discussion of the many exciting changes we have in store for the future.  We’d have liked to have been more overt, and you can’t imagine the painful self-restraint we brought to bear on ourselves this evening.  We can only say that we’re completely stupefied by the strength of our listener base, and we invite you to stick around.  It gets even better from here.


The end of an EAR-a…or, Welcome back to In-Game Chat

We’ve been here before, and it’s time come round at last for the second cast of Evil Avatar Radio to retake its one true name.  We owe a great deal to the men and women of Evil Avatar, and we’ve come further for the association than we could have hoped to on our own.  But it turns out that to move forward we need to look back.  Community exists beyond name or URL – community is people, and we can assure you that the podcast is intact, in good company, and in high spirits.

Stay tuned.  Good things are close at hand.


Your New Webmaster

Hey everyone! I hope you like the new site, and I apologize for any bumps you find in our transition. I’m working to smooth everything out and make the process fairly easy. That being said, I know the old site just didn’t quite get the love and attention it deserved. It was like that really awesome PS2 RPG you keep saying your going to put in one day, but you know, stuff keeps coming out on the 360/PC/PS3. You really want to play that older RPG, but it just never happens.

Well, I’m dusting off the memory cards, so to speak. I’ll try to keep things interesting and functional around here. Don’t look to me for much content, but if you have an actual site suggestion, please, let me know! And if you catch a little site bug or whatnot, then I’d love to get word about it. Sure, I may already know about it; but maybe that one is something I haven’t seen yet, and I’d love the help.

So, this is your new webmaster, signing off. Looking forward to seeing you around In Game Chat in the future!


EAR 9.25.08: “Red Eye Mountain”

Some of you may be familiar with the title of this episode. Those who aren’t will find out when they listen. Those who are…well, just keep in mind it isn’t all MMO/Warhammer talk that we do here. In fact, we discuss very little of that title. Why? Well, turns out a lot of things happened since Monday night. Actually, a lot of things happened the day we recorded this and you can bet we talk about them.

First up is the Spore DRM issue. We don’t really discuss it as much as we just recap the situation. After that….well, you didn’t really think we wouldn’t mention Jack Thompson’s disbarment, did you? And let’s not forget what Bungie did today.

We also touch on the Max Payne film’s rating, special editions and how publishers are doing it wrong, and Duke Nukem 3D on XBLA. Plus, we begin our Mailbag segment of the show, answering the emails sent to us each week (we don’t get much, actually, so send them in!), and we tell you who will be on Monday’s show (hint: he really likes Co-Op gaming).

Thanks for listening.


EAR 9.22.08: “It Was Kicked In The Junk Hard”

As slow as news can be sometimes in the gaming world, it never leaves us without anything to talk about. There’s proof of that in this episode of Evil Avatar Radio. James wrapped up his time with The Force Unleashed and lets us know that sometimes a story can hold a game together better than the actual gameplay itself. That and the fact that the tutorial level of the game is simply the most fun. Not only that, he has ideas on how to improve a title like this with just the addition of Ewoks. I know…Ewoks, right?

Also in this episode we talk about Mega Man 9, Duke Nukem 3D, and we go over the releases due out in October. We hear from TrackZero about his time spent with FarCry 2, and Ravenlock calls in to tell us just how hard Mega Man 9 is and what he’s looking forward to on the Wii/DS side of things to come.

That’s all followed by uncensored discussion of our Demigod Beta contest, duel wielding GameFly accounts, November’s release schedule, Warhammer talk, more (well deserved) praise for Uncharted, and what we’ll all be playing this week.

Episodes Interviews

EAR 9.15.08: “Like Highlights For Children…But Violent”

A lot of the times with our guests, we like to be timely. And the timing with having Josh Drescher from Mythic on the show to talk to us about Warhammer Online couldn’t have been better. We have to thank him again for taking time out of working on the game (and playing it) and speaking with us. He was great to talk to and actually quite funny. Of course, as usual, it’s where the show gets the title from.

Also in this episode, although later than we wanted, we again mention our Demigod beta key contest. We’ll be giving away a key during the live show next week, but we also have two more keys to give out. To win those, you’ll need to email us ( with the best god-power you can think of (in terms of a balanced strategy game).

The rest of the show is spent on talking about Too Human, taking stock in Take-Two (or losing it), Peter Molyneux’s sanity or genius, losing your job in an attempt to be an “internet hero”, all of us being on a beta “black list” it seems, and I explain the reasons (yes, there’s more than one) I added the new Deer Hunter game to my Gamefly queue.