E3 Episodes

EAR Episode 115: The E3 Show

This episode is full. We simply can’t fit anymore into it. And yet we still didn’t get out everything we wanted to talk about. E3 may be small, but the information we get out of it is enough to fill nearly three hours. It’s a full plate and we go over all the big news from the week that was. Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo, and the games as well including Borderlands, Sonic, Op. Flashpoint 2, Empire Total War, Killzone 2, Halo Wars, MK Vs. DC, H.A.W.X., Far Cry 2, MAG, and so very much more. Bapenguin even calls in and gives us the info of games he got to play on the last day of E3, plus he and I personally (and by name) thank everyone who donated to get us out there.

The episode is stacked and the episode after the episode is running over with info as well. James goes over his new PC build and all the MMO’s he’s loaded into the thing and WWII Online is discussed  leading us into our discussion of the Too Human demo. Plus, we can’t go without talking of The Dark Knight – spoiler-free, of course.


EAR Episode E3: The Third Day

We’re tired. Again. And again we sat down and tried to punch out a quick episode telling you about everything we saw today, but this mini-episode is close to 45 minutes long. So yeah, we failed that. But, I think you’ll enjoy this go round as we saw a ton more games than we have previous days and had some hands on time with a lot of them as well. We talk about Far Cry 2, H.A.W.X., Brothers In Arms, Fallout 3, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, The Witcher: Enhanced Edition, LEGO Batman, Project Origin, MK vs. DC (we liked it), and we also got to see The Who, in concert (for free), at a Rock Band party.

It was a jam packed day and this episode is jam packed full of news and totally foul language.


EAR Episode E3: The Second Day

We’re tired. We knew that going in and we figured this would be a quick episode. We were wrong and again (as you’ll find out from listening), my estimate was way off. It’s the second day of E3 and Nick and I are back with our thoughts of what took place during the day and we run down some of the other games we took a look at as well. We start off with Nintendo, and I’ll tell you now – we weren’t happy. At all. But as the day went on we completely forgot about Nintendo (as they seem to have done with gamers) and actually managed to save what was left of the day by checking out more games. We got closer looks at Operation Flashpoint 2, Sonic Unleashed, Mad World, Left 4 Dead, Rock Band 2, and a few others as well.

We talk about them all and a whole lot more in this mini-episode of Evil Avatar Radio.

Tomorrow is the final full day for me here at E3 and we’re going to one again try and knock out another show for you at the end of the day tomorrow. We still have lots more to look at and talk about, so check back again tomorrow for Day 3.


EAR Episode E3: The First Day

So you thought there’d be no episode of Evil Avatar Radio tonight, huh? Well, you’re right. In it’s common form, there isn’t, but Nick and I decided to sit down and talk about the day and our thoughts of the whole thing. Honestly, it isn’t really anything you don’t already know if you’ve been keeping up with the great coverage on the site, but if you’re looking for our opinions and thoughts well…here they are. It’s a mini-episode, even though it runs nearly an hour in proper form.

Day two will be a long one for us. Not sure if we’ll get another show under us during all that we have lined up, but we’re going to try and give it a shot.

E3 Episodes

EAR Episode 114: “Pre-E3: Bad Company”

So, what did we learn from this episode of Evil Avatar Radio? Well, right out of the gate we learned that watching G4 for E3 coverage is actually a bad idea. Speaking of E3, we talked to Bapenguin & AgtFox about the upcoming event itself and ran down the list of meetings and appointments scheduled for myself and the Bapster (that was fun to say outloud, actually) as he and I head off to LA next week. Also in this episode we hear a lot about Battlefield: Bad Company. In fact, it’s a subject that just can’t seem to stay away during the show. And we learn that it’s not that bad of a game and may well warrant the full price of admission. But I still haven’t played it yet.

After the show it’s all PC talk as we go into the situation James had with his recent build. Actually, he hasn’t even begun to build yet thanks to a problem during shipping.  Jeremy continues playing Diablo 2 (just as he was doing during the show itself) and we’re joined by our producer, Kevin, who brings us good news (he finally played Portal) and bad news (he isn’t making it to PAX).


EAR Episode 113: “Cow Death Knights With Boobies”

Given the news over the weekend, it should come as no surprise to you what we’d be talking about in this episode of Evil Avatar Radio. Right out of the gate we go into discussion of Diablo 3 and then further into news gathered from the WWI about, well…WoW – hence the title of the show.

We also hear from Daniel & James on their time spent with Battlefield: Bad Company. I was expecting what I heard from Daniel on the topic, but was surprised to hear of James’ experience with the title. In the second hour we talk about Sony’s attempt at Xbox Live-ish functionality with the 2.4 update to the PS3, the possible price cut to the Premium Xbox 360 that somehow leads us into discussion of consoles vs. PC, and Jeremy tells us about his new toy.

I should warn you now…when the show ends proper, we jump quite quickly into talking about GTA4, specifically spoiler territory if you are still avoiding it. We also make mention of Bill’s departure along with XP from store shelves, James’ new build, and his potty mouth (former) workplace.


EAR Episode 112: “The Trust Bank”

“The Trust Bank” – for gamers, the amount of trust they hold for a developer’s latest project. If it’s been good before, we trust it’ll be good again. It’s brought up during our discussion of Call Of Duty: World At War. Our trust bank’s for Treyarch aren’t near to the amount of trust in the bank’s we have for Infinity Ward. Same goes for Sega in our thoughts on Sonic Unleashed.

We spend a bit of time discussing those games but in honor of Ticket To Ride’s debut on XBLA this week, we comb over our childhood in search of other classic games we’d like to see show up in digital form. While we do nail some gems in the list, nothing comes close to Hungry Hungry Hippos. Button mashing at its finest.

Also in this episode we welcome Ten19 to the program to tell us of the updates dished out during the week in the MMO world, we talk of reviewers and the interesting relationship they have with publishers, plus we take a look at Limbo Of The Lost and see just how much you can cram into a game without actually doing anything yourself.

From there we head to the depths of the studio and talk about completely random things. Seriously, it’s totally random stuff. There’s web design, health issues, Fireball Island, pigeons, and Leonard Nimoy. Like I said….random.

Episodes Interviews

EAR Episode 111: “Love Is Blooming In My Pants”

If that show title doesn’t get you to listen, well then we give up. Oh sure, other titles presented themselves, all spoken by our special guest for this episode, David Hayter. But then he busts out with that line and all of us in the studio looked at each other just knowing. Not only that, but you guys in the chat room picked up on it as well. Glad to see you’re catching on.

Speaking with David was a great thrill. Listen as he talks to us about voice acting, how he got started and what it’s been like, plus his screen writing career where he tells us of his time with the first two X-Men films and he drops plenty of info on his latest work, “Watchmen”. Listen also to Rogue Hunter call in and practically wet himself as David says his name as Snake and TrackZero and David share Canadian memories.

We pretty much spend the entire first hour talking to David with the second hour spent more on Metal Gear Solid 4, a mention of (NDA), and an interesting little game revealed to us by Jeremy- MMORPG Tycoon.

After it’s all said and done, we take time in the after show to come down off the high of speaking with David and continue our talk about MGS4 – this time without the restraint of the FCC.

Episodes Interviews

EAR Episode 110: “It’ll Be A Hootenanny”

And a “hootenanny” it was. This episode of Evil Avatar Radio was pretty special. Ever since the current crew began as “In-Game Chat”, we’ve been trying to have Tycho & Gabe on the show. When we became “Evil Avatar Radio” we thought it might be easier, but it wasn’t. And then, finally, after more than 50 episodes and a year of attempts, we welcome Tycho to the show!

It’s a different sort of interview as we basically just talk news with him including the iPhone (No. I didn’t hang up on him.), RooGoo, demos, & Pokemon. We were glad to have him on and now we focus our efforts towards Gabe.

Also in this episode we talk of the Battlefield: Bad Company demo and have a belated look at the hidden gem of Lost Odyssey. Plus, Paul O’Connor from High Moon Studios talks to us later in the episode about “The Bourne Conspiracy”.

The show that takes place after the show was seemingly reserved for PC talk as we discuss box building, PC Gaming, modding, game content…well, it’s PC focused, trust us.


EAR Episode 109: “That’s Not Going To Be The Show Title”

You can thank danielout for the title. Well, the title comes from me, but it’s because of him I said it. In fact, I wouldn’t even thank him for it, really.

This episode of Evil Avatar Radio is a little all over the place for us. We cover the news of the week and the games we played and plan on playing. Daniel talked more about Age Of Conan and touched on the booby issue. We took your calls – thank you to both mikeohara & MrBibbz. We talked about the limitations Konami had put on those reviewing Metal Gear Solid 4, voice commands in gaming, and a few thoughts on in-game XMB. Then….well, then Strax talked about comic books. Specifically the new storyline in the Spider-Man books.

During the extra portion of the show, we talk about next week’s guest, Daniel tells us something we didn’t really care to know, we talk about Guitar Hero: “Insert Band Name Here”, and Strax and I talk superheroes.

Episodes Interviews

EAR Episode 108: “It’s The Right Thing To Do”

We have a running theme of giving a title to a show based on something said by our guest, should we have one. That was the case here. It’s Joel DeYoung’s answer to why Hothead Games released “Penny Arcade Adventures: On The Rain-Slick Precipice Of Darkness: Episode One” on Windows, Mac, & Linux. The alternate title to this episode was spoken by our very own danielout when talking about Age Of Conan: “Well, time to go collect some sandstone, better take off my clothes.” It’s funny. Trust me.

In this episode of Evil Avatar Radio we talk of a whole lot more than GTA4. We discuss Lost Odyssey, MGS4’s cut scene scenario, the co-op of Resident Evil 5, my recent venture back into the world of City Of Heroes, and our thoughts on PS3’s Haze. As mentioned earlier we spoke with the COO of Hothead Games and producer of Penny Arcade Adventures, Joel DeYoung, who called in and answered your questions. Not only that, but we also hear from Shodan and the man himself, Evil Avatar, gives us a call towards the end of the show.

Once we officially wrap things up, we take things off-the-air for a bit and discuss, specifically, two things. One of those is Age Of Conan and the other is our thoughts on the new Indiana Jones film. One of those we love, and one of those we hate. Care to take a guess?


EAR Episode 107: “Guardedly Optimistic”

It was either that title or “Splendid Jetpack Dreams Of The Apatosaurus Named Brontosaurus” and you can find out why in this episode of Evil Avatar Radio. We again talk about GTA4 and where we sit in the progress of the game. Some of us having finished it and some of us having seemingly only begun. But the GTA talk only last for a bit during the beginning of the show before we’ve moved on to talk about Age Of Conan, Guitar Hero 4 and rhythm games in general, hard drive installs, and this generation of gaming. During all of that we wax nostalgic for a bit on City Of Heroes and our first times playing it so many years ago.

And that nostalgia quickly bleeds over into the after show for a bit, where we carry on the conversation of CoH, but also talk about the upcoming release of both Haze and Penny Arcade Adventures. Plus, we talk about our pending guests and contests for next week’s episode and fishbang & Zillah/Dana (Soulless Toast) look for friends in Portland.


EAR Episode 106: “9 Is The New 10”

I think the phrase is “Better Late Than Never”, and that’s how we feel about Evil Avatar Radio. We never like to miss an episode, even if it means bringing it to you later than usual.

This episode of Evil Avatar Radio is a bit different from our normal shows. It’s like one long after show segment. But we still do our normal stuff. We cover what news there was of the week (and two days) previous and tell you about our gaming since last we spoke (I am way ass behind in GTA4). Plus we talk about the HAZE demo and watch the Mirror’s Edge trailer (again).

Some of our longer discussions focus on GTA4, obviously, game reviewing and what a 10 really means to us (you know, if you finish the game you’re reviewing in the first place), plus we talk about Iron Man, and Jeremy and Daniel have a chat about copyright laws brought about by the Muppets of all things.


EAR Episode 105: “The GTA Show”

We’ve had a week to digest the feast that is GTA IV and in this episode of Evil Avatar Radio, we spit it all back out at you. Our likes, loves, dislikes, frustrations, and hate…it’s all here.

But that all takes place in the second hour of the show. The first hour is still filled with equal parts of win as we hear from BAPenguin about the sad co-op news we got last week (seriously, you’re taking it OUT of Ghostbusters?) and the good co-op news we got as well. Then we talk with Doug Parsons from Guinness World Records about their 2008 Gamer’s Edition.

Then, of course, it’s the second hour filled with GTA talk which overflows right into the show after the show. Seriously, it’s pretty much non-stop GTA discussion, with an exception at the end of the after-show. It’s there that we thank Mr. Bibbz for his generous donation in making fishbang an orange. We also remind you to check out the EvAv group at GoodReads, and the great deal going on right now for a product that could not have a better name – the Buttkicker. Plus, fishbang gives a warning to those interested in The Bourne Conspiracy game, and finally, there’s a message at the end of the show that we invite you to listen to. It isn’t normally our thing and I’m sure we won’t bring it up again for some time, but it was worth mentioning, if only once.


EAR Episode 104: “Goat Chicks Are Hot”

I’ve been trying to considerably cut back on the amount of coffee I drink, but after last night’s GTA IV gaming session, I had to have some this morning just to wake up a bit more. And you’d think that having a show just a few hours before GTA’s release that we’d talk more about it, but, oddly enough, we don’t. Pretty sure we’re saving that for next week’s episode. What we do discuss in this episode of Evil Avatar Radio is the Metal Gear Online beta that finally got back on track last week. Also on this episode Siraris called in to tell us of his new review site, PlayItReviewIt, as well as bringing up the discussion on “exclusive reviews” and the stench that follows them. Plus we heard from BAPenguin and Mike Ohara.

In the second hour, we talk about Army Of Two – or well, Daniel talks to us about it. In a way, it was a prime example of the way Siraris’ site works. We got to hear, first hand, from someone we trust about the game and he gave his honest opinion of what he played. His account made us want to play the game…maybe not buy it, but at least play it.

Once the ‘real’ show was over, we broke out a bottle of “Military Special” and took to the after-show. As is often the case, it was here that we found our show title, courtesy of the previously mentioned whiskey mixed with the imagination of fishbang. There is talk of booze, City Of Heroes, GTA 4, a Sci-Fi MMO, fish bang’s orange-ness, and the fragtown map packs of Quake 2.

Now that we’re done with that, it’s back to more GTA4.