Episodes Interviews

EAR Episode 81: “It’s Hard To Wake Up Everyday Knowing I’m This Awesome”

I know it will be tough, but if you can tear yourself away from Call Of Duty 4 for just a moment, you might find some interesting discussion going on in this episode of Evil Avatar Radio. Even more interesting is the interview we had with Infinity Ward’s Robert Bowling, who answered the questions YOU asked! And even some you didn’t. There’s no lack of talk surrounding Call Of Duty 4 here, and if you’re still on the fence, this show might just sway you to the COD side of things as you hear us chomping at the bit to end our broadcast, if only so we can get home to play the game ourselves. Hell, we didn’t even stay very long after the show because of that reason.

Episodes Interviews

EAR Episode 80: “Get Off My Lawn!”

In any given week there’s a good chance that Sony will be hoisted by their own petard, or will, at the very least, be subject to lengthy discussion of their shortcomings. We feel for them now and wish them the best, but we’ll be damned if we pass up a chance to take a swing or two ourselves. We’ve got a radio show to run here.

As if on cue, Brian Shiau and Jesse Divnich stop by to tell us how we can put our (virtual) money where our mouths are by participating at The simExchange. If you think your armchair analysis of the games industry is up to par with the professionals, this is your chance to make that clear. It’s free to play, and may prove to be an invaluable tool for aggregating the instincts of the enthusiast community.

We also stand amazed at the endless stream of content being added to SSB Brawl, cower in fear of the November release lists, and find out it’s possible to be on completely different sides of the piracy issue without having a meltdown. It’s an episode full of startling discoveries that must be heard to be believed!

Click here for belief.


EAR Episode 79: “I Taste Something I Don’t Like”

Evidently it’s not out of the question that a senior producer of one of Sony’s most creative titles would disregard the wildfires of southern California to spread the gospel of The Eye of Judgment on the air. Well, we doubt there was any actual disregarding, but however difficult the circumstances, we really appreciate Felice Standifer’s appearance in this episode and can’t wait to have some real playtime with this charming new addiction interface.

We’d also like to point out that there was far more news of interest this week than anticipated, so we were all sad examples of concentration and self-control. Of course this could be due in large part to the cake we were forced to stare at throughout the broadcast. Listen and decide for yourself. And stay tuned for the brandy and cigars after-show where we sandbag our wobbly opinions on the subject of unified console architecture. And coconut.

Episodes Interviews

EAR Episode 78: If At First You Don’t Succeed, You Fail

What more proof do you need that the cake is a lie than to hear directly from GLaDOS herself? Ellen McLain, the voice of our new favorite rampant AI (and joined by husband John Patrick Lowrie – himself a noteworthy voice in the Half Life series), talks to EAR about finding her way into the head of a passive-aggressive, dominating construct. We’re also joined by Jonathan Coulton, geek-folk artist extraordinaire, and composer of Portal’s inimitable credit-sequence ballad. If you’ve had any exposure to Portal then you know what a treat this is. And speaking of treats, stay tuned as we take our first run at an uncensored after-show discussion.

Click here for cake.


In-Game Chat Ep16 05-18-07

It’s 2.5 hours with talk of games, gadgets, movies, and all things geek. There’s plenty of news to cover this week along with the Halo 3 Beta, and what the hell happened with Crackdown and trying to get the damn thing? Strax finishes fixing my broke 360 all right here, on IGC.